Very interesting find, Alan! There's some shenanigans going on here...
Thank you, Mr Iacoletti! And yes, shenanigans is about the word for it.

It is an extremely curious circumstance.
We have
two official forms for the 2 curtain rods tested for Mr Oswald's fingerprints.
The first (call it CURTAINS #1) has the 'released' date of 3-24-64:

It is important to note that the elements on this document written
in red pen are
exactly replicated in the second version (call it CURTAINS #2), which has the 'released' date of 3-26-64:

This tells us that
---------------CURTAINS #1 is the
original---------------CURTAINS #2 contains text added to a
photocopy of CURTAINS #1
---------------the photocopy of CURTAINS #1 was made, however,
before the following elements had been written in: signature of 'John Joe Howlett' (the 2nd instance of this signature) + '3-24-64' + '7
50 a[.m.]' + signature of 'J. C. Day'.
This is the only logical way of accounting for the discrepancies.
In other words, CURTAINS #2, a.k.a. Commission Exhibit 1952----------

-----------is not just a photocopy (already obvious), but a photocopy of
a deliberately prepared photocopy.
The question then becomes:
What benefit did having ready to hand this photocopied version bring?
Answer: flexibility in checking the 2 curtain rods in and out of the lab.