And I can back up my theory with close reference to the testimony of the one who took LHO to work.
Your theory, on the other hand, requires you to disregard a key part of that testimony.
So I win on the terms you have just laid down.
I believe Mr Oswald had 27.5-inch-long curtain rods in the bag he brought.
Prove me wrong using something other than wishful thinking!

I don't use theory but facts. You, on the other hand, use your interpretation (not what he actually testified to) of what BWR testified to present a counter-factual theory, in fact, it shouldn't even be called a theory. A much better word that explains what you're doing is to use conjecture. That is evident by your belief that Oswald had curtain rods in the bag. On top of that the burden of proof that Oswald had curtain rods in the bag is placed on me! Talk about having your cake and eating it too. The burden of proof is on you.