Friends, for the two curtain rods submitted by Agent Howlett to Lieutenant Day for fingerprinting on 15 March to be the same two curtain rods 'found' by Agent Howlett in the Paine garage on 23 March, they had to be taken out of the Crime Scene Search Section at some point between 15 March and 23 March. Yes?
But how was this done?
two versions of the form give dates
after 23 March:

But let us look closely at the date on the 'later', unsigned-by-Agent-Howlett form!

I have never seen a '6' quite like the one in '26' from Lieutenant Day's hand before...

All it would have taken was a
squiggle of the pen to post-date the release from
March 21 (two days before 'finding' of 2 rods in Paine garage)-----------

March 26---------------
15 March: 2 curtain rods submitted to lab
21 March: 2 curtains signed out from lab
23 March: 2 curtain rods 'found' in Paine garage