Alan, if nothing else your efforts have again exposed the official story, according known document details, is full of holes. For those of us who wish to understand what happened it provides little solace, to the sheep, as we might suspect, all we will get is some bleating.
The only reason anyone would want to fingerprint the curtain rods in the Paine garage in March 64 would be a suspicion that somehow they were returned there from the crime scene after the assassination. Certainly there was no thoughts that Oswald could perform that deed. Did they suspect Frazier of doing that? No mention of Frazier in the report and after all why would Frazier do so, it would not help him in the slightest.
Certainly Liebeler seemed totally unaware of any curtain rods in the Paine garage until his deposition of Michael Paine on March 17th.
Mr Crow, the late date of all this curtain rod investigation------------
4 months after the assassination-------------is a giveaway here!
We can be quite sure, given Mr Frazier's claims as to what Mr Oswald had told him the morning of 11/22, that curtain rods in Ms Paine's garage would have been amongst the
very first things checked.
There is no way in the seven kingdoms this utterly basic piece of detective work would have been left unattended to for
four months:
------------apart from the intrinsic absurdity of the idea, it would have incurred the risk of the rods' being thrown out or somesuch in the meantime,
------------which would have been most uncongenial to the Oswald-Acted-Alone investigators!
So it is beyond strange that one can find no record of a simple check for curtain rods being made in Ms Paine's garage before March 1964, merely Ms Paine's 23/11/63 assurance that she had not given Mr Oswald any curtain rods:

(= a nice piece of equivocation:
----------------gets around the problem of admitting in plain English that she
had spare curtain rods in the first place,
----------------which confirmation that there
had in fact been curtain rods in the garage would have tallied uncomfortably well with Mr Frazier's claim as to Mr Oswald's claim
----------------which would in turn have led to a
very awkward no-brainer question popping into the head of any outsider reading the report:
'Yes, but are the goddam rods still there, Mrs Paine?')