Talk about diverting! I'm waiting for the lightning to strike. You have repeatedly refused to even attempt to answer the most obvious question that your fantasy raises. Even Walt gave it a crack. Again, why would your conspirators who had successfully suppressed the discovery of any curtain rods at the TSBD, suddenly bring them to light months after the fact to check them for Oswald's prints and then put them back in Paine's garage? There is no need for your conspirators to account for any curtain rods because there was no record of their existence. That would have been the whole point of suppressing them in the first place. LOL. Thus, you have an obvious and internal inconsistency in your fantasy scenario which you can't apparently reconcile. Those who are going to great pains to suppress the curtain rods are suddenly and inexplicably the same ones voluntarily bringing them to light. And conveniently filling out a form to document it. Wow.

Oh Mr Smith, you are a riot!
You talk as though the failure of your heroes in the Oswald-Acted-Alone investigation to bury with 100% success the emergence of 2
other curtain rods were somehow my problem.
It's not-------it's

You cannot have it both ways, my friend
A---------'Ha ha, you have no hard evidence!'
B---------'Ha ha, I refuse to acknowledge your hard evidence because if
I were a conspirator I would have made sure it never saw the light of day!'
It is an
officially documented fact that 2 curtain rods were submitted for fingerprinting by Agent Howlett on 15 March.
It is an
officially documented fact that these 2 curtain rods were released back to Agent Howlett on 24 March.
It is therefore an
officially documented fact that the 2 curtain rods taken from Mrs Paine's garage on 23 March
cannot have been the 2 curtain rods submitted by him to Lieutenant Day 8 days earlier.
7:30 p. m., 23 March 1964: 2 curtain rods in the Paine garage; 2 curtain rods in Lieutenant Day's crime lab.Everytime you refuse to talk about these officially documented facts, you merely broadcast loud and clear to the rest of us that they have defeated you!
Keep wriggling-----------it's fun to watch!