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Author Topic: BWF and LMR may not have been the only ones who saw LHO with a bag on 11/22/1963  (Read 153344 times)

Offline Alan Ford

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Talk about diverting!  I'm waiting for the lightning to strike.  You have repeatedly refused to even attempt to answer the most obvious question that your fantasy raises.  Even Walt gave it a crack.  Again, why would your conspirators who had successfully suppressed the discovery of any curtain rods at the TSBD, suddenly bring them to light months after the fact to check them for Oswald's prints and then put them back in Paine's garage?  There is no need for your conspirators to account for any curtain rods because there was no record of their existence.  That would have been the whole point of suppressing them in the first place.  LOL.  Thus, you have an obvious and internal inconsistency in your fantasy scenario which you can't apparently reconcile.  Those who are going to great pains to suppress the curtain rods are suddenly and inexplicably the same ones voluntarily bringing them to light.  And conveniently filling out a form to document it.  Wow.


Oh Mr Smith, you are a riot!

You talk as though the failure of your heroes in the Oswald-Acted-Alone investigation to bury with 100% success the emergence of 2 other curtain rods were somehow my problem.

It's not-------it's yoursThumb1:

You cannot have it both ways, my friend
A---------'Ha ha, you have no hard evidence!'
B---------'Ha ha, I refuse to acknowledge your hard evidence because if I were a conspirator I would have made sure it never saw the light of day!'

It is an officially documented fact that 2 curtain rods were submitted for fingerprinting by Agent Howlett on 15 March.

It is an officially documented fact that these 2 curtain rods were released back to Agent Howlett on 24 March.

It is therefore an officially documented fact that the 2 curtain rods taken from Mrs Paine's garage on 23 March cannot have been the 2 curtain rods submitted by him to Lieutenant Day 8 days earlier.

7:30 p. m., 23 March 1964: 2 curtain rods in the Paine garage; 2 curtain rods in Lieutenant Day's crime lab.

Everytime you refuse to talk about these officially documented facts, you merely broadcast loud and clear to the rest of us that they have defeated you!

Keep wriggling-----------it's fun to watch!  :D

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Offline Alan Ford

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"Richard" has no interest in altered documents, changed dates, or evidence that is submitted prior to it being "discovered".

All he is interested in is asking why his strawman vast conspiracy would do such a thing.

Indeed, it's pathetic!  ::)

And of course------------if a conspiracy claim turned out to be so flatly contradicted by the documentary evidence, he'd be rushing to give us a link to the pertinent fact-check article on Prof McAdams' site!

What say you a more capable Warren Defender than Mr Smith comes out of the woodwork to offer at least some counter-theory on these two Crime Scene Search Section forms?

Let's wait and see!  Thumb1:

Offline Walt Cakebread

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I give you credit for at least trying but this is not very convincing.  Of all people not to get the memo on covering up the discovery of curtain rods, you single out Howlett who you then claim is the "leading member of the cover up team in Dallas."  He is the one who submits the request in question.  As a result, you appear to be suggesting that head of the cover up didn't understand there was a cover up.  That is difficult to reconcile.

How exactly would the person who found the curtain rods at the TSBD be duped by a plan which places the curtain rods back in the Paine garage?  If a person found them at the TSBD (i.e. saw them with their own eyes at the TSBD), the WC indicating that they were found in the Paine's garage would highlight a falsehood not dupe anyone who otherwise knew they were found at the TSBD.  To do what you have suggested would have entailed acknowledging the discovery of curtain rods at the TSBD but then saying that because there were none of Oswald's prints on them that these could not be linked to him or perhaps suggest that Oswald could have stuck a couple of curtain rods in the same bag as his rifle.  The WC does not do this but places the curtain rods in the Paine garage from the time of the assassination.

Of all people not to get the memo on covering up the discovery of curtain rods, you single out Howlett who you then claim is the "leading member of the cover up team in Dallas."    by Leading member of the cover up team...I'm referring to the team from LBJ's Special Select Blue Ribbon Committee .....

I don't know how you've managed to twist what I said....   Someone who was not privy to the fact that the "investigators" were not in fact investigating the case and seeking evidence.    The "investigators" like John Howlett were only interested in solidifying  the case against the arch villain who had already been convicted, executed, and dumped in his grave..   Someone found the curtain rods where Lee had hastily hidden them before entering the TSBD at the back door in the shipping room near the Domino Room that morning.  That person reported that he'd found the curtain rods that Lee Oswald was purported to have carried that morning...

"Ohhhhhh sh-t!!"  ....says Howlett....  "I gotta defuse this" .... I'll send the curtain rods over to Day at the DPD and have him find prints that are not Lee Oswald's...Then I can leak the info back to the person who found them that the curtain rods have nothing to do with the case.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2019, 11:10:04 PM by Walt Cakebread »

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Offline Alan Ford

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Friends, while we're waiting for the Lone Nutters to reconcile the hard evidence
------------2 curtain rods (other than the 2 found in Mrs Paine's garage) being tested for Mr Oswald's fingerprints-----------
with their soft-headed theory
------------Mr Oswald carrying a rifle rather than curtain rods into work on 11/22--------------
let us see if we can't put together a picture of how Mr Oswald was framed!  Thumb1:

As I see it, there was Plan A and Plan B.

Plan A

----Manipulate Mr Oswald into bringing a long bag containing curtain rods into work on the morning of JFK's visit
----Make sure bag and rods are separated by the time law enforcement arrive post-assassination to search the Depository

The problem with Plan A is that it requires Mr Oswald to make an untypical overnight at the Paine home in Irving on the Thursday evening.

What if, despite the best efforts of whoever is manipulating him, he declines to go to Irving?

Never fear!

Plan B has already been put into effect for that contingency.

Plan B

What happened to this poor fellow:

Online Richard Smith

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Oh Mr Smith, you are a riot!

You talk as though the failure of your heroes in the Oswald-Acted-Alone investigation to bury with 100% success the emergence of 2 other curtain rods were somehow my problem.

It's not-------it's yoursThumb1:

You cannot have it both ways, my friend
A---------'Ha ha, you have no hard evidence!'
B---------'Ha ha, I refuse to acknowledge your hard evidence because if I were a conspirator I would have made sure it never saw the light of day!'

It is an officially documented fact that 2 curtain rods were submitted for fingerprinting by Agent Howlett on 15 March.

It is an officially documented fact that these 2 curtain rods were released back to Agent Howlett on 24 March.

It is therefore an officially documented fact that the 2 curtain rods taken from Mrs Paine's garage on 23 March cannot have been the 2 curtain rods submitted by him to Lieutenant Day 8 days earlier.

7:30 p. m., 23 March 1964: 2 curtain rods in the Paine garage; 2 curtain rods in Lieutenant Day's crime lab.

Everytime you refuse to talk about these officially documented facts, you merely broadcast loud and clear to the rest of us that they have defeated you!

Keep wriggling-----------it's fun to watch!  :D

Got it.  You have no answer to a basic question after I've given you multiple opportunities to explain the implications of your silly theory. 

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Online Richard Smith

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Of all people not to get the memo on covering up the discovery of curtain rods, you single out Howlett who you then claim is the "leading member of the cover up team in Dallas."    by Leading member of the cover up team...I'm referring to the team from LBJ's Special Select Blue Ribbon Committee .....

I don't know how you've managed to twist what I said....   Someone who was not privy to the fact that the "investigators" were not in fact investigating the case and seeking evidence.    The "investigators" like John Howlett were only interested in solidifying  the case against the arch villain who had already been convicted, executed, and dumped in his grave..   Someone found the curtain rods where Lee had hastily hidden them before entering the TSBD at the back door in the shipping room near the Domino Room that morning.  That person reported that he'd found the curtain rods that Lee Oswald was purported to have carried that morning...

"Ohhhhhh sh-t!!"  ....says Howlett....  "I gotta defuse this" .... I'll send the curtain rods over to Day at the DPD and have him find prints that are not Lee Oswald's...Then I can leak the info back to the person who found them that the curtain rods have nothing to do with the case.

I haven't twisted anything you said.  Merely explained why it doesn't make sense.  You claimed Howlett was a leading member of the cover up but he is the same guy here who would have screwed up by filing a form to have the curtain rods checked (the same curtain in this fantasy that he and the WC are trying to cover up)! The direct implication is that a "leading member" of the cover up didn't understand before March 15, 1964 that a cover up was going on.  It's impossible to reconcile those conflicting explanations.

And your bizarre and baseless theory that someone who found the curtain rods at the TSBD would be duped by the WC into believing they were found at the Paine garage makes no absolutely no sense at all.  If an individual had FOUND them at the TSBD, how exactly would they be duped into believing that they had been in the Paine's garage for the entire time?  In fact, they would have first-hand knowledge that wasn't true because they had found them at the TSBD!  Good grief.

Offline Walt Cakebread

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I haven't twisted anything you said.  Merely explained why it doesn't make sense.  You claimed Howlett was a leading member of the cover up but he is the same guy here who would have screwed up by filing a form to have the curtain rods checked (the same curtain in this fantasy that he and the WC are trying to cover up)! The direct implication is that a "leading member" of the cover up didn't understand before March 15, 1964 that a cover up was going on.  It's impossible to reconcile those conflicting explanations.

And your bizarre and baseless theory that someone who found the curtain rods at the TSBD would be duped by the WC into believing they were found at the Paine garage makes no absolutely no sense at all.  If an individual had FOUND them at the TSBD, how exactly would they be duped into believing that they had been in the Paine's garage for the entire time?  In fact, they would have first-hand knowledge that wasn't true because they had found them at the TSBD!  Good grief.

your bizarre and baseless theory that someone who found the curtain rods at the TSBD would be duped by the WC into believing they were found at the Paine garage makes no absolutely no sense at all.

I agree Mr "Smith".... And I never said that the "somebody" who found the curtain rods at the TSBD was duped into believing they were found at the house of Paine.

Mr "somebody" was simply informed that the curtain rods that he'd discovered had no connection with the case....

Offline Alan Ford

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Got it.  You have no answer to a basic question after I've given you multiple opportunities to explain the implications of your silly theory.


Mr Smith, this is not complicated!

Do you accept that, as of 7:30 p. m., 23 March 1964, there were 2 curtain rods in the Paine garage and 2 curtain rods in Lieutenant Day's crime lab?

Yes or no?

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