Plan B
What happened to this poor fellow:

From Mr J. Edgar Hoover to Mr J. Gordon Shanklin, 2 Jan 1964:

Why were the Oswald-Acted-Alone investigators so keen to see Mr Yates' story "completely discredit[ed]"?
Because! His sighting of 'Lee Harvey Oswald' bringing a long bag containing 'curtain rods' to Dealey Plaza
--------------made no sense from the point of view of the Lone Nut explanation for the assassination (= one LHO-with-'curtain-rods' story
too many!)
--------------made dangerous sense from the point of view of an Oswald-Framed explanation (= a giveaway as to the framers'
insurance plan!)
One way or the other, those framing Mr Oswald had made damn sure that he would be seen carrying a long package containing what he said were curtain rods.Now!
The penultimate sentence in the document quoted above reads:
"Yates described by fellow employee as a 'big talker who always talks about a lot of foolishness.'"
What this does not say, and what had turned Mr Yates into a
big problem, was the fact that
this fellow employee-------Mr Dempsey Jones--------had offered disastrously strong corroboration for Mr Yates' story!Mr Jones' recollection of what Mr Yates had told him
before the assassination made it extremely hard to write off Mr Yates' story as a post-assassination fabrication...

Let us be clear on one thing, friends:
Had Mr Oswald declined to go out to Irving on Thursday 21 November to pick up the 2 curtain rods which would four months later be submitted for fingerprinting in the Crime Scene Search Section, then Mr Ralph Leon Yates would have been one of the Warren Commission's star witnesses!