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Author Topic: BWF and LMR may not have been the only ones who saw LHO with a bag on 11/22/1963  (Read 153499 times)

Offline Alan Ford

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Let me put the same question to Mr Nickerson, who has gone very quiet on this issue!

Mr Nickerson, do you accept that, as of 7:30 p. m., 23 March 1964, there were 2 curtain rods in the Paine garage and 2 curtain rods in Lieutenant Day's crime lab?

Yes or no?


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Offline Alan Ford

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Friends, it is with heavy heart that I must report that I have tracked down items marked #275 and #276, which were taken from the Paine home by DPD, and they prove conclusively that the 2 curtain rods tested for prints by Lieutenant Day and marked by him '275 & 276' were indeed found in the Paine home--------and not, as I had believed, in the Depository building:

« Last Edit: March 14, 2019, 12:29:36 AM by Alan Ford »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Friends, it is with heavy heart that I must report that I have tracked down items marked #275 and #276, which were taken from the Paine home by DPD, and they prove conclusively that the 2 curtain rods tested for prints by Lieutenant Day and marked by him '275 & 276' were indeed found in the Paine home--------and not, as I had believed, in the Depository building:


275  is a Russian language form in writing
276 is photos portraying scenes in Russia

Don't play games....   that confuse the reader....

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Offline Alan Ford

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Plan B

What happened to this poor fellow:

From Mr J. Edgar Hoover to Mr J. Gordon Shanklin, 2 Jan 1964:

Why were the Oswald-Acted-Alone investigators so keen to see Mr Yates' story "completely discredit[ed]"?

Because! His sighting of 'Lee Harvey Oswald' bringing a long bag containing 'curtain rods' to Dealey Plaza
--------------made no sense from the point of view of the Lone Nut explanation for the assassination (= one LHO-with-'curtain-rods' story too many!)
--------------made dangerous sense from the point of view of an Oswald-Framed explanation (= a giveaway as to the framers' insurance plan!)

One way or the other, those framing Mr Oswald had made damn sure that he would be seen carrying a long package containing what he said were curtain rods.


The penultimate sentence in the document quoted above reads:

"Yates described by fellow employee as a 'big talker who always talks about a lot of foolishness.'"

What this does not say, and what had turned Mr Yates into a big problem, was the fact that this fellow employee-------Mr Dempsey Jones--------had offered disastrously strong corroboration for Mr Yates' story!

Mr Jones' recollection of what Mr Yates had told him before the assassination made it extremely hard to write off Mr Yates' story as a post-assassination fabrication...  ???

Let us be clear on one thing, friends:

Had Mr Oswald declined to go out to Irving on Thursday 21 November to pick up the 2 curtain rods which would four months later be submitted for fingerprinting in the Crime Scene Search Section, then Mr Ralph Leon Yates would have been one of the Warren Commission's star witnesses!
« Last Edit: March 14, 2019, 09:20:11 AM by Alan Ford »

Offline Alan Ford

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Friends, on this day 55 years ago, Agent John Joe Howlett submitted a pair of curtain rods to the Crime Scene Search Section for fingerprinting: 15 March 1964.

Eight days later, the same Agent John Joe Howlett turned up with WC representatives at the home of Ms Ruth Paine; one of the items he inspected and took away from this evening visit was a pair of curtain rods which Ms Paine gave to understand had been in the garage since well before the assassination: 23 March 1964.

The following morning, at 7.50 a.m., the same Agent John Joe Howlett returned to the Crime Scene Search Section and formally received back the pair of curtain rods he had submitted for fingerprinting nine days earlier: 24 March 1964.

Two days later, at 7.50 a.m., Lieutenant J. C. Day signed a copy of the same Crime Scene Search Section form to the effect that he was now releasing to a person unknown (no signature) the pair of curtain rods that had been submitted for fingerprinting eleven days earlier and already released to Agent Howlett two days ago: 26 March 1964.

We are still awaiting a cogent explanation of the above facts from those who believe that the pair of curtain rods removed from Ms Paine's garage were the selfsame curtain rods that Agent Howlett submitted for fingerprinting to Lieutentant Day!

Tick tock, boys!  Thumb1:
« Last Edit: March 15, 2019, 04:04:46 PM by Alan Ford »

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Offline Alan Ford

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Absent a cogent explanation from our Oswald-Did-It friends as to the above facts, we are left with the following conclusions:

1. The claim that Mr Oswald brought a pair of curtain rods to work on the morning of 11/22/63 accounts perfectly for:

a) the length of the package seen by Mr Frazier and Ms Randle (~27 inches)
b) Mr Oswald's alleged claim to Mr Frazier that morning that the bag contained curtain rods
c) the known fact that a pair of curtain rods found elsewhere than in the Paine garage were submitted for testing for Mr Oswald's prints
d) the complete absence of any confirmation in the official record that no curtain rods had gone missing from the Paine garage at the time of the assassination
e) the curious coincidence between the 'marked 275 & 276' notation by Lieutenant Day on the Crime Scene Search Section form and the entirely arbitrary way in which the pair of curtain rods picked up by Agent Howlett on the evening of 23 March came to have the designation 'Ruth Paine Exhibits 275 & 276'.

2. The claim that Mr Oswald brought a disassembled rifle to work on the morning of 11/22/63 accounts for nothing except its studied pretence that points a)-e) above do not exist.

The hard evidence and the circumstantial evidence point to Mr Oswald's having taken a pair of curtain rods from Ms Paine's garage and brought them to work the morning of the assassination!

« Last Edit: March 15, 2019, 07:32:58 PM by Alan Ford »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Absent a cogent explanation from our Oswald-Did-It friends as to the above facts, we are left with the following conclusions:

1. The claim that Mr Oswald brought a pair of curtain rods to work on the morning of 11/22/63 accounts perfectly for:

a) the length of the package seen by Mr Frazier and Ms Randle (~27 inches)
b) Mr Oswald's alleged claim to Mr Frazier that morning that the bag contained curtain rods
c) the known fact that a pair of curtain rods found elsewhere than in the Paine garage were submitted for testing for Mr Oswald's prints
d) the complete absence of any confirmation in the official record that no curtain rods had gone missing at the time of the assassination
e) the curious coincidence between the 'marked 275 & 276' notation by Lieutenant Day on the Crime Scene Search Section form and the entirely arbitrary way in which the pair of curtain rods picked up by Agent Howlett on the evening of 23 March came to have the designation 'Ruth Paine Exhibits 275 & 276'.

2. The claim that Mr Oswald brought a disassembled rifle to work on the morning of 11/22/63 accounts for nothing except its studied pretence that points a)-e) above do not exist.

The hard evidence and the circumstantial evidence point to Mr Oswald's having taken a pair of curtain rods from Ms Paine's garage and brought them to work the morning of the assassination!


The hard evidence and the circumstantial evidence point to Mr Oswald's having taken a pair of curtain rods from Ms Paine's garage and brought them to work the morning of the assassination!

Yes, I believe that's the case....   However, there are a lot of holes in that story....

First question...   Was the Warren Commission's Dallas team working in Dallas on in mid March of 1964?   If they were they no doubt would have been looking around the TSBD.   Which raises the key question:... Did one of the TSBD employees tell one of the Dallas Team that he had found some curtain rods hidden near the back door of the TSBD?       

I believe that you've previously stated that Howlett was interested in curtain rods in the Paine garage on March 24.....   WHY?   WHY Would have Howlett been interested in curtain rods in the Paine garage?   You've reported that Howlett took some curtain rods from the Paine garage and then had Lt day check them for finger prints....   I can only surmise that Howlett thought that Lee Oswald might have handled those curtain rods when he removed the rods that he carried on the morning of 11/22/63  ( assuming that the curtain rods were in a common bundle) ....   

However the only way I can make any sense out of this is IF IF  Lt Day had found Lee's prints on the curtain rods that Howlett removed from the Paine garage then Howlett would have known that Lee probably had carried curtain rods that morning.....But what would he have done with that information??

There's no doubt in my mind that Howlett was a skunk....  He's the deceiver who pretended as a stand-in for Lee Oswald in the ridiculous "re-enactment" of Lee Oswald's theorized movements after the shooting.  Howlett pretended that a light piece of 1" X 3" X 40" wood was a carcano rifle and then demonstrated how Lee Oswald hid the rifle by jamming it between some boxes that were  FIVE FEET closer to the stairs than the actual location where the rifle was found by Deputy Boone. 
« Last Edit: March 15, 2019, 05:35:39 PM by Walt Cakebread »

Online Richard Smith

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Absent a cogent explanation from our Oswald-Did-It friends as to the above facts, we are left with the following conclusions:

1. The claim that Mr Oswald brought a pair of curtain rods to work on the morning of 11/22/63 accounts perfectly for:

a) the length of the package seen by Mr Frazier and Ms Randle (~27 inches)
b) Mr Oswald's alleged claim to Mr Frazier that morning that the bag contained curtain rods
c) the known fact that a pair of curtain rods found elsewhere than in the Paine garage were submitted for testing for Mr Oswald's prints
d) the complete absence of any confirmation in the official record that no curtain rods had gone missing at the time of the assassination
e) the curious coincidence between the 'marked 275 & 276' notation by Lieutenant Day on the Crime Scene Search Section form and the entirely arbitrary way in which the pair of curtain rods picked up by Agent Howlett on the evening of 23 March came to have the designation 'Ruth Paine Exhibits 275 & 276'.

2. The claim that Mr Oswald brought a disassembled rifle to work on the morning of 11/22/63 accounts for nothing except its studied pretence that points a)-e) above do not exist.

The hard evidence and the circumstantial evidence point to Mr Oswald's having taken a pair of curtain rods from Ms Paine's garage and brought them to work the morning of the assassination!


You left out the part where Oswald denied carrying any curtain rods or long package.  In your fantasy scenario, Oswald lies to get himself into further difficulties instead of out of them.  If his bag had contained curtain rods, the obvious thing to do is direct the police to it.  Instead he denies carrying a long package because it contains something he doesn't want to be associated with.  And then it gets even better.  Having somehow successfully suppressed the recovery of curtain rods found at the TSBD, Howlett suddenly decides to bring them to light five months later to check for some inexplicable reason whether Oswald's prints are on them when, in a frame up, they have succeeded in covering their existence.  And he conveniently fills out a form to document the very evidence they want to cover up!   LOL.   What a plan.  Everyone is acting contrary to their own interest in this scenario but it must be true because March 15 comes before March 23.  Whew.

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