Welcome back, Mr Smith. We trust you've had a chance to lick those wounds caused by the very public curtain-rod lashing you received!

Now! There is nothing at all unreasonable in the proposition that Mr Oswald was in the front entranceway watching the Presidential parade
-------------it's what he himself claimed (as we now know from Agent Hosty's interrogation notes)!
-------------his claim is supported by the presence of the Prayer Man figure in the Hughes, Wiegman and Darnell films!
-------------the claim that he brought a rifle into the Depository that morning has collapsed in the face of the evidence that he brought 2 curtain rods which were later found and printed!
-------------all attempts to put him at the 6th fl window firing shots at JFK have been and remain a miserable failure!
If you disagree with the proposition that Prayer Man is Mr Oswald, perhaps you could tell us who
you think Prayer Man is? We could all do with another laugh from you!