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Author Topic: BWF and LMR may not have been the only ones who saw LHO with a bag on 11/22/1963  (Read 152991 times)

Offline Alan Ford

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How do we know that thee weren't six or eight or a dozen curtain rods in the Paines garage??.....   Isn't it possible that Marina had curtain rods ....she did decorate several apartments during the year before the assassination....

I'm simply asking HOW can we determine the number of curtain rods in the Paine garage?

We need only determine the state of play as of 7.30pm on 23 March 1964:
-------------2 white enameled curtain rods in Lieutenant Day's lab (reason for being there: testing for Mr Oswald's prints)
-------------1 white & 1 cream enameled curtain rod in the Paine garage.

The anachronistic fact that the latter were named 'Ruth Paine Exhibit 275' and 'Ruth Paine Exhibit 276' eight days after the former had been submitted with the notation 'marked 275 & 276' gives away the WC's switcheroo!

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Offline Walt Cakebread

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We need only determine the state of play as of 7.30pm on 23 March 1964:
-------------2 white enameled curtain rods in Lieutenant Day's lab (reason for being there: testing for Mr Oswald's prints)
-------------1 white & 1 cream enameled curtain rod in the Paine garage.

The anachronistic fact that the latter were named 'Ruth Paine Exhibit 275' and 'Ruth Paine Exhibit 276' eight days after the former had been submitted with the notation 'marked 275 & 276' gives away the WC's switcheroo!

I believe that there was deception and skulduggery being performed by the Warren Commission's agent, Mr.  Howlett....  The same liar that demonstrated how Lee Oswald could have hastily dumped the eight pound carcano with a bulky scope mounted on it behind the boxes near the top of the stairs on the sixth floor ...while using a light piece of 1 X 3 as a substitute for the carcano.   

Not only was Howett using a grossly inaccurate substitute for the carcano ....He didn't even attempt to place it at place the carcano was actually discovered by Seymour Weitzman and Eugene Boone....   They discovered the carcano lying on the floor beneath a wooden pallet ( Weitzman referred to it as a "flat") and that flat was 15 feet 4 inches from the north wall....or about a foot and a half further south than the place where Howlett inserted that small light weight piece of 1X3 between some boxes of books.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2019, 03:36:22 PM by Walt Cakebread »

Online Richard Smith

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There is a way to make the evidence fit in regards the curtain rods, that doesn't involve to much contortion to do so (but is alas now unprovable)

Oswald gets up to go to work.
He has a lunch made by Marina but Marina is still n bed.
The lunch is in the fridge and not bagged.
Oswald does not have a bag.
Being a poor person, Oswald retrieves a bag from  the garage for his lunch, not to fussed about the size or type, just wants something to carry lunch.
This bag had curtain rods in it which he removed and placed his lunch in.
Puts oversized lunch bag in car.
Frazier asks Oswald about the bag, Oswald miss hears or misconstrues the comment to be about why the bag is so big, or what it used to contain.
(It is an unusual size for a lunch bag, and placing his lunch in a bag that used to have curtain rods is unusual. He maybe was originally going to take the curtain rods but decided against it an used the bag for his lunch.)
He mentions in an oblique way about the curtain rods to Frazier. Frazier took this to mean there were curtain rods in the bag.
Keeping in mind Oswald was likely emotionally churned following his conversation with Marina and his decision to leave the wedding band and money, and his reported lack of communicative ability in general conversation or small talk. (eg Geneva Hines comments)

So much bad luck that day!  All lending itself to Oswald's guilt.  And his rifle is missing too.  LOL.  Has anyone ever carried his lunch to work in a bag two feet or more long?  Other than Fred Flintstone?

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Offline John Iacoletti

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So much bad luck that day!  All lending itself to Oswald's guilt.  And his rifle is missing too.  LOL.

"His rifle is missing" because Marina saw a portion of what she took to be a rifle in a rolled up and tied blanket six weeks earlier.

LOL indeed.

  Has anyone ever carried his lunch to work in a bag two feet or more long?  Other than Fred Flintstone?

Therefore he was carrying a 40-inch rifle in a two foot bag.  LOL.

Offline Alan Ford

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So much bad luck that day!  All lending itself to Oswald's guilt.

How do 2 curtain rods beings submitted for testing for Mr Oswald's prints on 3.15.64 lend themselves to Mr Oswald's guilt?

You still can't answer this, can you, Mr Smith?


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Offline Alan Ford

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From Mr D von Pein's blogspot exploration of the curtain rods issue:


5.) No curtain rods were found in the TSBD in the days and weeks after
the assassination. (Warren Commission Exhibit #2640 verifies this fact
via Roy Truly's statement in a September 2, 1964, FBI report.)

6.) Oswald did not take any curtain rods out of the TSBD when he left
that building on 11/22/63. (If he did, he disposed of them somewhere
between the Depository Building on Elm Street and his roominghouse at
1026 N. Beckley Avenue in Oak Cliff, because he definitely did not
enter the roominghouse with any sort of package. If he had, the package
would have been discovered by police.)


Question for Mr von Pein!

How can your conclusion that no curtain rods were found be considered safe if, as the dates on the document below prove, the 2 curtain rods submitted for testing for Mr Oswald's fingerprints were not the 2 curtain rods taken from the Paine garage by Agent Howlett during Ms Paine's on-the-record testimony of 23 March?

Thanking you, Mr von Pein, for all your tireless efforts to promote Truth and Justice!  Thumb1:

Has Mr von Pein lost interest in the curtain rods issue?

On the off-chance he hasn't, and the above merely escaped his attention...

Bumped for Mr von Pein!


Offline Alan Ford

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Silence from Mr von Pein!

Silence from Mr Nickerson!

Silence from Mr Galbraith!

Silence from Mr Navarro (albeit he did have the honesty to acknowledge the problem before disappearing)!

Cowardly flight from Mr May!

Dunderheaded diversion from Mr Smith!

Is there not a single Warren Defender/Oswald Accuser able to offer a rational counter-explanation for the contents of this form?


Offline Walt Cakebread

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Silence from Mr von Pein!

Silence from Mr Nickerson!

Silence from Mr Galbraith!

Silence from Mr Navarro (albeit he did have the honesty to acknowledge the problem before disappearing)!

Cowardly flight from Mr May!

Dunderheaded diversion from Mr Smith!

Is there not a single Warren Defender/Oswald Accuser able to offer a rational counter-explanation for the contents of this form?


John Iacoletti posted this first floor diagram.....   Is it possible that Lee could have removed his sandwich and oraple from the sack and then slipped the curtain rods under the steps to the loading dock before opening the door onto the loading dock....  Thus he would have had nothing in his hand when he entered the 1st floor Shipping room ???

« Last Edit: April 05, 2019, 12:49:05 AM by Walt Cakebread »

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