How do we know that thee weren't six or eight or a dozen curtain rods in the Paines garage??..... Isn't it possible that Marina had curtain rods ....she did decorate several apartments during the year before the assassination....
I'm simply asking HOW can we determine the number of curtain rods in the Paine garage?
We need only determine the state of play as of 7.30pm on 23 March 1964:
-------------2 white enameled curtain rods in Lieutenant Day's lab (reason for being there: testing for Mr Oswald's prints)
-------------1 white & 1 cream enameled curtain rod in the Paine garage.
The anachronistic fact that the latter were named 'Ruth Paine Exhibit 275' and 'Ruth Paine Exhibit 276'
eight days after the former had been submitted with the notation 'marked 275 & 276' gives away the WC's switcheroo!