Yes, I definitely am confused. You say that the rods explain themselves. Well, I'm going to need you to interpret their explanation for me. You claim that they laid undisturbed in the Paine garage since before the assassination
No, Ms Paine claimed that! And you are claiming that Agent Howlett knowingly omitted to mention otherwise to the WC.

and that they were different from the two that were submitted to the DPD crime lab on March 15. How is it then that they were of the same description and were given the same number designations(275 and 276) as those submitted on March 15?
So they were given the designation 275 and 276 on 15 March, not 23 March? Think before you answer, Mr Nickerson!

They're not quite 'the same description' by the way:
--------------Agent Howlett describes the 23 March Paine garage rods as "one a white and the other a kind of buff color or cream colored";
--------------Lieutenant Day's Crime Scene Search Section form entry makes no distinction as to color, describing them both merely as "white enameled".
Keeping in mind that Howlett was the official who personally handled "both sets", what are the odds that they were actually two different sets of curtain rods?
Very high, actually! You and I agree that Mr Howlett lied during Ms Paine's 23 March testimony in Irving; we just have different opinions as to the substance of his lie.
I'm going to give you a challenge, Mr Nickerson. Here is a segment from that Ruth Paine testimony of 23 March. I have added a sentence. Can you find it?
Mr. JENNER - Now, we all see, do we not, peeking up what appears to be a butt end of what we might call a curtain rod, is that correct?
Mrs. PAINE - That's correct.
Mr. JENNER - Is that correct, Mr. Howlett?
Agent HOWLETT - Yes, sir; that's correct.
Mr. JENNER - Painted or enameled white?
Agent HOWLETT - Yes, sir.
Mr. JENNER - Would you reach back there and take out what appears to be a curtain rod, Mr. Howlett-- how many do you have there?
Agent HOWLETT - There are two curtain rods, one a white and the other a kind of buff color or cream colored. But I already knew that, I put them back there myself the other day.