How did she know that someone hadn't removed them at one point and returned them in time for the deposition? She didn't.
Mr. McCLOY - They didn't take any rods from the garage that you are aware of?
Mrs. PAINE - You are aware what the police took. I never did know exactly what they took. I have never heard any mention of the rods having left.
But the whole point of the exercise in going in to Ms Paine's garage was to hand over 2 curtain rods that had lain there undisturbed since before the assassination. Either Ms Paine and Agent Howlett are both lying, or Agent Howlett alone is lying.
And-----as we are about to see-----Mr Jenner of the WC must be lying too.
You're turning into quite the conspiracy theorist, Mr Nickerson!

They were given the designations 275 and 276 on 15 March. It's right there in red ink. Why would I think any different?

But they hadn't been given that designation by Mr Jenner of the WC yet! Aren't you even aware of how Mr Jenner came to assign them the numbers 275 and 276 on 23 March?
I haven't said that Howlett lied. Where do you get that from?

Your kooky explanation requires that he only
pretend to 'find' the rods in the garage on 23 March.
In your desperation to get out of the corner you're in, Mr Nickerson, you've turned to accusing the WC of staging a sham testimony session. Quite a development for a Warren Apologist!