I'm aware of how Jenner came to assign them the numbers 275 and 276. He just added Ruth's name to the numbers that had already been attached to them on March 15.
Nope! Mr Jenner chose-----------for no clear reason------------to begin with the number 270 when marking items taken on-the-record from the Paine home:

Funny how he just so happened to arrive at 275 by the time he reached the first curtain rod! And just look at those
essential items he picked up before reaching the curtain rods. No fewer than
3 pieces of string!
On your own scenario, Mr Nickerson, the choice of 270 as a starting point, as well as the number of items reached before 275 was reached, was part of an elaborate sham for the benefit of the American public:
---------------The rods were being 'found' by the very man who had submitted them for testing 8 days earlier
---------------The WC testimony taker contrived his arrival at 275 for the first curtain rod.
Welcome to the CT community, Mr Nickerson!