You are already on record of calling Fritz, Bookhout and Kelley liars. So, why not just come out and say what you really think on this one? You obviously believe that they lied here. Your alternate explanation could have been constructed by Walt Cakebread. It's that laughable. Don't insult our intelligence.

You've come up with some truly laughable explanations on this thread, Mr Nickerson, and I and others have been able to annihilate them without breaking a sweat.
Now it's your turn----------show all the folks reading why my explanation of Mr Oswald's alleged lie in custody about the curtain rods is laughable. Give it your best shot, sir!

And while you're at it, maybe you might get around to answering-----------in a laughable or non-laughable way (your choice!)-------------the question you keep evading:
Why would 2 curtain rods taken from the Paine garage four months after the assassination be sent for testing for Mr Oswald's fingerprints?