You still don't get it, do you? Threads dead and your pet theory has died with it. Everyone else has moved on. Like I told you way back, the very basics of your story theory don't add up, just don't make any sense. Going by the lack of interest it would seem both 'sides' agree on this. Why would anyone even bother to attempt to discuss this with you any longer? You've been giving several possible explanations, which you asked for BTW, and you automatically dismiss them with shouts of "preposterous" & "not cogent". Congratulations, you've established quite a reputation for yourself here...a reputation for being someone who's not worth trying to hold an intelligent and polite debate with.

The issue will be dead when someone can offer a
rational counter-explanation for the plain-as-day evidence that 2 curtain rods were submitted for checking for Mr Oswald's prints 8 days before 2 curtain rods were 'found' in the Paine garage, and that the crime lab did not release the first 2 curtain rods until after the WC visit to the Paine garage.
The question of whether curtain rods were ever found in the Depository is one that goes to the very heart of the WC case against Mr Oswald. Warren Gullible protestations to the contrary, the official Crime Scene Search Section form presents a very large problem for those who support the official story.
So far, Messrs Nickerson, Pointing and Mytton have stepped forward, offered completely nonsensical theories (
Both dates are just, yannow, wrong... Jenner suspected Ruth Paine of, well, something or other, and Oswald's prints on the rods in her garage would have indicated, well, something or other... Someone played a hoax by leaving curtain rods in the TSBD, and it's just coincidence that the numbers just happen to be 275 and 276 in each case), and then breezily declared 'Nothing to see here------matter resolved!'.
This is of course typical of the Warren Gullible modus operandi:
I will fearlessly follow the evidence wherever it leads, and make sure the place we end up is always safely within the confines of the Warren Report narrative.We all know that if dates and timestamps on an official form so clearly demolished a conspiracy claim, these gentlemen would (rightly) dismiss CT attempts to throw strained and incoherent theories at the problem as kook reality-denial. They would be sending us to the pertinent setting-the-record-straight page on Mr McAdams' Warren Gullible site.
Mr Pointing must know that his ridiculous explanation doesn't stack up, and that none of the other attempted LN explanations do either. His frustration at this, and his misdirected anger towards me, are certainly palpable. I forgive him, he's human!

But! Some things are even more important than Mr Pointing's feelings... So the challenge remains open:
Can anyone who believes Mr Oswald did not bring curtain rods to work on the morning of 11/22/63 offer a rational counter-explanation for the plain-as-day evidence that
---------------------------2 curtain rods were submitted for checking Mr Oswald's prints 8 days before 2 curtain rods were 'found' in the Paine garage
---------------------------the crime lab did not release the first 2 curtain rods until after the WC visit to the Paine garage?