Are you suggesting that there was a conclusive and definite print from Oswalds palm or finger that was lifted from the wooden stock and was later confused somewhow as the palm print lift from the barrel, which as most of us know is NOT confirmed by either the FBI fingerprint test nor by FBI agent Drain, hence the reason Lt. Day refused to sign an affidavit stating having told Drain of the existence of ANY prints let alone a palm print lift, at the time Agent Drain took possession of the rifle.
Are you suggesting that there was a conclusive and definite print from Oswalds palm or finger that was lifted from the wooden stock and was later confused somewhow as the palm print lift from the barrel, ?
I'm clearly stating ( not suggesting) that CE 637 is conclusive and definite proof that the UNIDENTIFIABLE smudge that is now called "Oswald's Palm Print" was lifted from the wooden fore grip of a carcano. That statement is strongly supported by the FACT that the bayonet slot ( the two parallel lines) is visible on the lifted smudge that Day stuck to a 3 X 5 white index card and then identified where that lift had been taken from..." Off underside of barrell near end of fore grip c2766 ...JC Day 11/22/63.
I'm also clearly stating that the 3 X 5 index card with the cellophane tape with the smudge on it was released to FBI agent Vincent Drain ( VED) by Captain George Dogherty ( GMD) at midnight 11 /22/63.... And there is an evidence inventory list that was created for the evidence that was being released to the FBI at midnight 11/ 22/ 63.... That 3 X 5 index card is listed ( item #14 ) on that evidence list.
later confused somewhow as the palm print lift from the barrel,
So Lt.Day lifted an UNIDENTIFIABLE? smudge print from the WOODEN stock, which later would become CE 637. a palm print from Oswald found on the BARREL, because Lt.Day changed his story to that in his WC testimony?
Lt.Days WC testimony excerpt pertaining to the MC rifle:
Mr. DAY. I took it to the office and tried to bring out the two prints I had seen on the side of the gun at the bookstore. They still were rather unclear. Due to the roughness of the metal, I photographed them rather than try to lift them. I could also see a trace of a print on the side of the barrel that extended under the woodstock. I started to take the woodstock off and noted traces of a palmprint near the firing end of the barrel about 3 inches under the wood-stock when I took the woodstock loose.
Mr. BELIN. You mean 3 inches from the small end of the woodstock?
Mr. DAY. Right--yes, sir.
Mr. McCLOY. From the firing end of the barrel, you mean the muzzle?
Mr. DAY. The muzzle; yes, sir.
Mr. BELIN. Let me clarify the record. By that you mean you found it on the metal or you mean you found it on the wood?
Mr. DAY. On the metal, after removing the wood.
Mr. BELIN. The wood. You removed the wood, and then underneath the wood is where you found the print?
Mr. DAY. On the bottom side of the barrel which was covered by the wood, I found traces of a palmprint. I dusted these and tried lifting them, the prints, with scotch tape in the usual manner. A faint palmprint came off. I could still see traces of the print under the barrel and was going to try to use photography to bring off or bring out a better print. About this time I received instructions from the chief's office to go no further with the processing, it was to be released to the FBI for them to complete. I did not process the underside of the barrel under the scopic sight, did not get to this area of the gun.Mr. BELIN. Do you know what Commission Exhibit No. 637 is?
Mr. DAY. This is the trace of palmprint I lifted off of the barrel of the gun after I had removed the wood., i am not saying Lt.Day was incapable of "embellishment" after the fact, and change his original finding of an undentifable smudge print on the wooden stock which was the original CE 637 to an altered version CE 637 and LT. Day WC testimony of lifting the print from the barrel.
The question is why? Could the tape be reused? or some other tape be submitted later, after they took the rifle to the morgue 7 days later, and placed barrel in Oswalds dead hand, so as to get a palm print?