DVP's comments re the curtain rods.......
http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/06/curtain-rods.html"I've never denied that some curtain rods were found in Ruth Paine's garage. Why would I deny that FACT? It's a fact.
But by laughing and ridiculing Commission Exhibit No. 2640, you are implying that some rods were found IN THE DEPOSITORY. And that's just not so.
You wouldn't be gilding the lily just a touch, would you now, Ben?
As for fingerprinting Paine's rods --- big deal. If that is, indeed, true (and I've never been interested enough to verify whether it is true or not, but maybe it is), the authorities no doubt wanted to see if Oswald's prints might show up on those curtain rods (seeing as how the rods WERE in Ruth Paine's garage, and Lee Oswald did spend his last night of freedom in Ruth's house and had access to those rods the same day that he told fellow worker Buell Wesley Frazier the "curtain rod" story).
So it makes perfect sense to me for the police (or the FBI) to want to fingerprint those rods.
If they hadn't done so, I can hear the conspiracy theorists balking about how lax the authorities were. (The cops can't win for losing, can they, Ben?)
Maybe you'd better move on to your next paper-thin argument to try and make Lee Harvey Oswald blameless for all 11/22/63 murders in Dallas, Ben. Because this "curtain rod" thing is getting embarrassing for you.
David Von Pein
August 29-30, 2015"
A most perceptive explanation for fingerprinting........to avoid future criticism of "conspiracy theorists". No mention of the date problem with respect to the timing of the removal of them in the Paine garage on an evening eight days later and their release after processing by 7.50am the following morning.