Armstrong acolyte Joseph summed up his approach to discerning the weight of evidence. I'll post it after I find it.
I don't anticipate this is an exclusive approach, but it seems hypocritical, not to mention the integrity of the resulting research.:
The quote below was prompted by my presentation of this point, highlighted in black brackets:

David Josephs said:
07-15-2015 08:58 PM
.....I proceed under the assumption that as a conspiracy, EVERYTHING related to the incrimination of Oswald is suspect. The hiding of the real murder as well as the ancillary operations that needed hiding leads me to conclude that what we are offered as Evidence pertains more to the cover-up of info and was therefore "created/improved/altered" for that reason.
That the DoD card may have not been in Nagell's possessions means it was either added to the pile later to connect the men, or that the evidence to prove the connection (of which so many of these connections were severed once the Commie Conspiracy became the Lone Nut) was made to disappear so it would be harder to prove the Nagell/Oswald connection...
or it was done for reasons we simply cannot comprehend at this point.
Translation, (heads I win, tails...you guessed it...) the truth is what I discern it to be, impervious and unresponsive to all counter argument or any of its supporting evidence.