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Author Topic: Humor me  (Read 43033 times)

Offline Peter Kleinschmidt

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Re: Humor me
« Reply #120 on: March 31, 2019, 02:31:53 AM »
Addiction.  I love reading what you xxxxxx post. Just being honest.
"Addiction" you shouldn't joke around considering the fact it was a group of old men who lured you in with their WC candy, kidnapped that lazy mind of yours and we still see they continue to do the thinking for you.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Humor me
« Reply #120 on: March 31, 2019, 02:31:53 AM »

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: Humor me
« Reply #121 on: March 31, 2019, 04:01:03 AM »
"Addiction" you shouldn't joke around considering the fact it was a group of old men who lured you in with their WC candy, kidnapped that lazy mind of yours and we still see they continue to do the thinking for you.

Could you not consider the (disqualifying) unabashed hypocrisy of the evidentiary standards (if critics demonstrated any minimum evidentiary standards, aside from lip service)  the vocal critics of the Warren Report hold themselves to, compared to the dramatically higher evidentiary standards these same critics and those who came before them during these 55 years dismiss the WC for allegedly not maintaining during their inquiry and deliberations?

Tom S.  December 29, 2015 at 7:57 pm

....As far as I have determined, and I would appreciate reading a comment from a better informed submitter,
J Gary Shaw has never furnished any evidence supporting his 1993 description of the contents of hospital records describing a head wound similar to a bullet wound.

All I could present was an image of Marcades?s death certificate. I chose this topic because I wonder what either ?community? requires in the way of actual evidence to base assumptions on.

What impresses commenters? Why? How is your approach to this research similar or different from buying an expensive item
on Ebay or Craigslist, or a home or a used car?

A vocal critic of the WC report who time after time demonstrates no discipline when spewing poorly, or entirely unsupported opinions
or conclusions seems no more reasonable than a vocal supporter of the SBT.

The SBT is an extraordinary claim. Critics of the SBT as a reliable explanation of the number of shots and their effects generally have liitle
or no problems, for example, with the almost entirely unsubstantiated claims of the then used car salesman, James Tague.

My interactions with Paul May have been more limited than my familiarity with Putin's emerging puppet, Jim DiEugenio, but my
experiences dealing with both of them persuade me Paul May could meet the reasonable person standard. DiEugenio, OTOH, seems to
believe Trump is indeed a victim of a deep state conspiracy and Jim Garrison was, first and foremost an honest, ethical prosecutor thwarted in his investigation of Clay Shaw, et al, as well as in his prosecution of Shaw, by determined CIA interference and obstruction of justice.
Garrison "expert" DiEugenio responds to this li'l dilemna by attacking me personally instead of dealing reasonably with these curious
contradictions that clearly indicate Tague was not the only actor with the scruples of a used car salesman.

Paul May is not the problem. Relying on CT authors with a financial stake related to the popularity of their published books
to "inform" us, too often unchallenged, instead of doing the tedious work of our own meticulous fact checking is the core problem,
in my experience.

Does this not resemble false representation to a court?
Russo v. Conde Nast Publications, 806 F. Supp. 603 (E.D. La. 1992)
US District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana - 806 F. Supp. 603 (E.D. La. 1992)
November 17, 1992

In its January, 1992 issue, GQ Magazine published an article entitled "The Case Against Jim Garrison" (hereafter the "GQ article"). The GQ article was written by Nicholas B. Lemann, a New Orleans native and winner of numerous awards for his books and articles. The GQ article was a personal memoir[1] of Lemann's recollections of growing up in New Orleans during District Attorney Jim Garrison's prosecution of Clay Shaw for allegedly conspiring to assassinate JFK.

The 1991 movie release, JFK sparked renewed interest in the assassination as well as the prosecution itself of Clay Shaw. The film was purportedly based on Garrison's book, On the Trail of Assassins, and sympathetically portrayed Garrison.

The GQ article published by Lemann took a different slant, expressing his view that Shaw's prosecution was built on flimsy evidence and was a tremendous embarrassment to the city.[2] The thrust of Lemann's article was his opinion countering that expressed by Stone in his film release JFK, to wit:.....
.....Not only is the Garrison-Stone case for the greater importance of the Kennedy assassination essentially a fantasy, its strange that they feel it has to be made at all.... Garrison and Stone are trying to make it into something more: the main turning point in American history which it wasn't. Garrison, for all these years, has been engaged in a witch-hunt, not a genuine attempt to solve a crime. Like all witch hunts, his has been based on the idea that some vast, mysterious evil has society in its grip. If the sense *605 of pervasive corruption isn't there, then Garrison's mission (and, even more, his method) somehow completely loses its aura of virtue.[3]
If Jim Garrison was a kettle, is Nicholas B. Lemann not a disingenuous scold, AKA a pot?

Tom S.   April 12, 2016 at 1:25 pm
Although I am credited as a contributor to Ms. Mellen?s book, ?Our Man in Haiti,? my entire body of research results influence me to share an opinion that the description of Joan Mellen in this article is overdone?.

She first met Jim Garrison just months after the Clay Shaw trial in 1969 and described interviewing more than 1200 people before publishing her book on Jim Garrison, ?Farewell to Justice.?

More than 30 years after she first met Jim Garrison and in addition to much other research and interviewing 1200 people, this was the crux and the emphasis of Joan Mellen?s presentation on the best supported CIA influences/interference on Garrison?s investigation and his prosecution of Clay Shaw.

Unredacted Episode 1: Transcript of Interview with Joan Mellen
Joan Mellen is the author of A Farewell to Justice: Jim Garrison, JFK?s Assassination, and the Case That Should Have Changed History. This interview was conducted on 22 Feb 2006. Tyler Weaver provided the introduction, and the interview was conducted by Rex Bradford.
REX: I ? I think ?

JOAN: ? when Baldwin was present, he was a CIA asset, his brother worked for the International Trade Mart and Clay Shaw, David Baldwin, and these, these are CIA people?.
versus.... Clay Shaw hired both former covert CIA agent David Baldwin and his friend Jesse Core, linked to CIA by authors Mellen
and DiEugenio. If DiEugenio is in any way a reasonable person, seeking verifiable facts, he would offer a reasonable analysis of these glaring contradictions, instead of confining his sparse responses to criticizing me personally.
Why are these two CIA assets and back to back Trade Mart PR directors, David & Jesse, hired by Clay Shaw, seen here three
months apart in 1967, egging on Shaw and then Garrison in opposing directions?....


Jim DiEugenio said:
12-08-2018 11:09 PM

Tom, I like you personally and I think you usually do good work and I defended you when people were attacking your approach at EF.

But I am at a loss to explain how you fell for Carpenter. This is a guy who writes for Max Holland. I stopped reading his book when I saw how he covered up the military record of Thrasher who Shaw worked for.

Garrison's name and the name Mrs Harry Raworth, the mother of David and Edward Baldwin, appear in the 1968 obit of Harold Ziegler, father-in-law of Jim Garrison.:

David Baldwin's 1945 Wedding Announcement:

Oliver Stone and co-screen writer Zachary Sklar were conned by Garrison, reunited before the movie, JFK was made, with his former wife,
Liz Ziegler, the first cousin of Mellen's "CIA people" brothers David and Edward Baldwin.
The Oliver Stone Interview, Part II: JFK
BY Michael R Miller, Filmmaker's Diary
PUBLISHED November 14, 2013
...?I also wanted Cissy Spacek very much. Liz Garrison was the mother of six children and was raised in the Southern tradition. So you don?t cast some urbane Hollywood-type who?s going to give backtalk to Jim. Cissy brought something perfectly Southern and old fashioned to the part....
David Baldwin's wife Mildred Lyons Baldwin, happened to be step-sister of this gentleman, accused by Garrison as a distributor
of CIA funds to lawyers defending targets of Garrison's investigation.:
003004   Lemann - Mildred Crumb Lyons Lemann, A Homemaker, Died Friday At Her Home In New Orleans. She
Was 94. Mrs. Lemann Was A Lifelong Resident Of New Orleans. She Served For Many Years As Chairman Of
The Music Library Fund Of The New Orleans Symphony. She Was In Charge Of The Children's Concerts
Performed By The Symphony. In 1929, She Worked At Metairie Park Country Day School, Where She
Coordinated The School's Non-Academic Activities. Survivors Include A Daughter, Mildred Lyons Baldwin;
A Sister, Ethel Crumb Brett; Two Stepsons, Thomas B. Lemann, And Stephen B. Lemann; Six Grandchildren;
And Four Great-Grandchildren. A Memorial Service Will Be Held Monday At 3 P.M. At The Chapel Of Trinity
Episcopal Church, 1329 Jackson Ave. Tharp-Sontheimer-Tharp Funeral Home, 4127 S. Claiborne Ave., Is In
Charge Of Arrangements. Times Picayune 01-14-1990

....Stephen B Lemann announces appointment of Walter J Machann (aka Father Machann) : (July, 1965)

The fact that neither Stone nor Sklar showed any indication that their most prominent critic at the time of the release of their
movie was the son of Thomas B Lemann, mentioned in the obit text directly above, seems proof of the hopeless dysfunction
Paul May is dismissed for pointing out.

JFK: The Book of the Film : the Documented Screenplay
Oliver Stone, ‎Zachary Sklar - 1992
April 1992 GQ FOR THE DEFENSE Zachary Sklar Editor's note: Nicholas Lemann's essay "The Case Against Jim Garrison" [January] inspired ... Lemann's glib charges are so sweeping that it's impossible to respond to all of them in a letter.More
The Rise and Fall of Big Jim G.
By Nicholas Lemann,
February 6, 1974
Nicholas Lemann

Education   Metairie Park Country Day School, New Orleans
Alma mater   Harvard College, Massachusetts
Nicholas Berthelot Lemann is the Joseph Pulitzer II and Edith Pulitzer Moore Professor of Journalism and Dean Emeritus of the Faculty of Journalism at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.[1] He has been a staff writer at The New Yorker since 1999.[2]...
« Last Edit: March 31, 2019, 05:21:34 AM by Tom Scully »

Offline Mark A. Oblazney

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Re: Humor me
« Reply #122 on: April 03, 2019, 06:10:26 PM »
Could you not consider the (disqualifying) unabashed hypocrisy of the evidentiary standards (if critics demonstrated any minimum evidentiary standards, aside from lip service)  the vocal critics of the Warren Report hold themselves to, compared to the dramatically higher evidentiary standards these same critics and those who came before them during these 55 years dismiss the WC for allegedly not maintaining during their inquiry and deliberations?

A vocal critic of the WC report who time after time demonstrates no discipline when spewing poorly, or entirely unsupported opinions
or conclusions seems no more reasonable than a vocal supporter of the SBT.

The SBT is an extraordinary claim. Critics of the SBT as a reliable explanation of the number of shots and their effects generally have liitle
or no problems, for example, with the almost entirely unsubstantiated claims of the then used car salesman, James Tague.

My interactions with Paul May have been more limited than my familiarity with Putin's emerging puppet, Jim DiEugenio, but my
experiences dealing with both of them persuade me Paul May could meet the reasonable person standard. DiEugenio, OTOH, seems to
believe Trump is indeed a victim of a deep state conspiracy and Jim Garrison was, first and foremost an honest, ethical prosecutor thwarted in his investigation of Clay Shaw, et al, as well as in his prosecution of Shaw, by determined CIA interference and obstruction of justice.
Garrison "expert" DiEugenio responds to this li'l dilemna by attacking me personally instead of dealing reasonably with these curious
contradictions that clearly indicate Tague was not the only actor with the scruples of a used car salesman.

Paul May is not the problem. Relying on CT authors with a financial stake related to the popularity of their published books
to "inform" us, too often unchallenged, instead of doing the tedious work of our own meticulous fact checking is the core problem,
in my experience.

Does this not resemble false representation to a court?If Jim Garrison was a kettle, is Nicholas B. Lemann not a disingenuous scold, AKA a pot?

versus.... Clay Shaw hired both former covert CIA agent David Baldwin and his friend Jesse Core, linked to CIA by authors Mellen
and DiEugenio. If DiEugenio is in any way a reasonable person, seeking verifiable facts, he would offer a reasonable analysis of these glaring contradictions, instead of confining his sparse responses to criticizing me personally.
Garrison's name and the name Mrs Harry Raworth, the mother of David and Edward Baldwin, appear in the 1968 obit of Harold Ziegler, father-in-law of Jim Garrison.:

David Baldwin's 1945 Wedding Announcement:

Oliver Stone and co-screen writer Zachary Sklar were conned by Garrison, reunited before the movie, JFK was made, with his former wife,
Liz Ziegler, the first cousin of Mellen's "CIA people" brothers David and Edward Baldwin.David Baldwin's wife Mildred Lyons Baldwin, happened to be step-sister of this gentleman, accused by Garrison as a distributor
of CIA funds to lawyers defending targets of Garrison's investigation.:
The fact that neither Stone nor Sklar showed any indication that their most prominent critic at the time of the release of their
movie was the son of Thomas B Lemann, mentioned in the obit text directly above, seems proof of the hopeless dysfunction
Paul May is dismissed for pointing out.

Speaking of 'Putin's Puppet', Tom..... have you viewed the 'Russkie Today' interview with our friend Peter on 'the hawks' show?  Son of Ventura and Son of Stone have sure traded sides, as fathers Oliver and Jesse have.  And as the sitting president has.  Beyond the pale, sir.  Wait'll you see what happens next...... no, wait.......
« Last Edit: April 03, 2019, 06:12:16 PM by Mark A. Oblazney »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Humor me
« Reply #122 on: April 03, 2019, 06:10:26 PM »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Humor me
« Reply #123 on: April 03, 2019, 10:44:39 PM »
In practice, circumstantial evidence can ....
...also be arranged. He got set up.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Humor me
« Reply #123 on: April 03, 2019, 10:44:39 PM »