From what I read she stated she ate lunch that day with Molina and a few other employees
which she thought was unusual because he usually ate his lunch by himself.
After it said Molina went outside and ... you are saying that Rackley did as well?
If she did stand where you said she did with the same vantage point as Brennan why no questions about
what she saw or heard during the shooting? Why would the police want to focus on Molina's possible
cooperation with the assassination? If this is true then all that crap that the DPD had a set script
beforehand re Oswald acting alone was exactly that. One would think they would try to bend
her testimony to Oswald not Molina.
CE 2003 is a list of TSBD employees. In there, it says that Rackley left the building at 12:15, stood across the street, and returned at 2:55 PM. In her interview, she said that she saw Molina on the steps of the TSBD, but after the shooting, she did not see him again. I do not know why she was not asked about the shooting itself; but in her interview, she never was asked. (At least as far as we know).
You asked, "Why would the police want to focus on Molina's possible cooperation with the assassination?"
You'd have to read Molina's WC testimony told the WC that the police woke him up at 1:30 SaPersonay morning.
"Well, on November 23d following the assassination, I was paid a visit by the local police department at 1:30 in the morning and they sort of wanted to tie me up with this case in some way or another and they thought that I was implicated."
Molina was a suspect because he was in the Dallas Police Intelligence Files as a member of the G.I. Forum.
You said, "If this is true then all that crap that the DPD had a set script beforehand re Oswald acting alone was exactly that."
I personally do not believe Oswald was set up by the Dallas Police Department beforehand. He wasn't in their Intelligence Files. Both Curry and Fritz said they had never heard of him and had no idea he was in Dallas.
I think, as far as the Dallas Police is concerned, Oswald was a target of opportunity. They had a suspect in hand for the Tippit killing, and they just ran with it.
Steve Thomas