Whaley is the only witness to have noticed the shiny wrist bracelet that Oswald was wearing.
All those other witnesses at the Tippet shooting scene, NONE mention seeing any bracelet. Even though they saw the shooter emptying his shells out and waving his gun in the air, ALL of them apparently failed to see the shiny bracelet.
Even AFTER Oswald (or another shooter) has apparently ditched his jacket under a car , no other witnesses saw a bracelet either. Not Johnny Brewer, not the ticket girl, not Butch Burroughs, not ANY apparently of the other people in the Texas Theater saw Oswalds shiny, bracelet.
Not even the struggling McDonald mentions seeing Oswald wearing a bracelet

But Whaley saw the bracelet:
Mr. BALL. Was there anything in particular about him beside his clothing that you could identify such as jewelry, bracelets?
Mr. WHALEY. Yes, sir;
he had on a bracelet of some type on his left arm. It looked like an identification bracelet.
Just shiny, you know, how you see anything shiny, an unusual watchband or something shiny,
you notice things like that. So a rather noticeable shiny bracelet, according to Whaley, which was unnoticed by all the Tippet scene witnesses, and all the other witness afterwards, even McDonald standing right next to Oswald in the Texas Theater.
This seems remarkable imo, it seems to defy probability.