Amazing he doesn't know the timing of the Wiegman film and therefore doesn't realize that Truly, Campbell and Reid were "captured" in it, standing near the steps when the shots started ringing out.
Feel free to point out Truly, Campbell and Reid in the Wiegman film.
PS I wonder if he even realizes that Hugh Betzner and Abraham Zapruder were almost directly in each other's camera's line of sight when Betzner-3 and Z-186 were simultaneously taken, that the group comprised of Jacob, Holt, and headscarf-wearing Simmons were in front of and just a little to the left of Zapruder in Betzner-3 and, conversely, in front of and just a little off to the right of Hugh Betzner in Z-186, thereby proving that Westbrook's "Me, Gloria Calvery, and Possibly Carol Reed" in Zapruder were, in reality, the following all-pretty-much-the-same-height ladies: light-blue headscarf-wearing Sharron Simmons, light-haired Gloria Holt, and dark-complexioned, self-described American Indian, Stella Mae Jacob?
This is such BS. You're claiming to be able to positively identify Simmons, Holt, and Jacob in