... And so long after the assassination, too! (sarcasm alert)
See the clips posted by Robin Unger at the beginning of the thread, and the enlarged, cropped GIF posted by Duncan Macrae a few posts after that, and the
really neat-o GIF posted by Royell Storing near the bottom of page 1, all from Tina Towner's 11/22/63 film in the "Tina Towner film" thread, this forum!
https://www.jfkassassinationforum.com/index.php/topic,1303.0.html-- Mudd Wrassler Tommy

PS I guess I was wrong about Jacob's, Holt's and light-blue headscarf-wearing Simmons' being "captured" by Darnell
as they were transitioning from the grassy slope to the Elm Street sidewalk in that 2-second clip of his -- he filmed them stepping down from
the pergola's concrete patio onto the grassy slope!My bad. (sarcasm)
OMG, will Iacoletti ever let me "live it down"? (more sarcasm)
PPS A special "shout out" to James Hackerott for pointing this precious thread out to me, and for his cogent observations in it, as well!