You dismissed yourself from credibility after about your first 20 fabrications.
How does that "win" your case? Are you suggesting that Stemmons scarf lady was the only person in Dealey Plaza wearing blue? You don't know when the Towner footage was taken, or when the Darnell footage was taken or even where the Darnell ladies were standing when he took it.
That's conjecture based on your interpretation of a blurry image.
That's conjecture based on your assumption that wearing blue is somehow unique.
Even if they are, that doesn't make the Stemmons sign people the same people.
John "Intellectually Dishonest" Iacoletti wrote:
Are you suggesting that Stemmons [sign] scarf lady was the only person in Dealy Plaza wearing blue?"
My reply:
If you were intellectually honest, Iacoletti, you would have said, "Do you think Stemmons scarf lady was the only
woman in Dealy Plaza who was wearing a
light-blue ...
headscarf (and was accompanied by a very dark-haired woman who was wearing a brown coat and a "white" skirt, and another woman who had blondish hair, and, and, and...)?"
-- Mudd Wrassler Tommy

PS How's your poll coming along, btw?