LOL. You see what you want to see.
You were making a big stink about the apparent difference in height between, I guess, Westbrook's and your "Karen Westbrook" and her two companions in said black and white clip (LOL "Gloria Cavery" and "Possibly Carol Reed"/Stella "Runaway" Mae Jacob until, that is, I showed you a few days ago that the light-colored-headscarf-wearing gal only
seemed a lot taller than the crying, light-haired girl next to her and the dark-complected gal next to
her only because she hadn't quite yet stepped down to a lower level (on the pergola patio step, or the grass, or whatever).
Bottom line: those three young women in that short Darnell clip were about the same height, after all, as can be seen by looking at the same three gals in Betzner-3 and the Zapruder film.
-- Mudd Wrassler Tommy