John, it is not a matter of me having any evidence for that. I'm only going by what McClellan and Harrison claimed themselves. Are you saying that the two prints that Darby was given were not Wallace's? In 1998 Darby was approached by McClellan and Harrison and given two prints. One was from a 1951 fingerprint exemplar card and the other was "supposedly" a latent print from a cardboard box found on the 6th floor of the TSBD at the sniper's nest.
Why do you say "supposedly"? I have just shown that there were at least 2 fingerprints that apparently were not identified by Latona.
In Darby's March 9, 1998 affidavit Darby said they were "the left little finger". If you have a problem with that go talk to Darby.
I'm not talking about what Darby said -- I'm talking about what
you said:
"the only prints given to Darby by McClellan and Harrison were left, little finger prints of Wallace"
Darby's affidavit doesn't say that at all. He says that he received a photocopy of an inked print along with a photocopy of a latent print. It was you who declared that they duped him by giving him two left, little finger prints of Wallace. What is your evidence for this?