Instead of a very broad and typical CT guess, let's apply a little science gathered from original evidence and recreations.
The SS recreation wasn't trying to replicate the Single Bullet Fact just the view of Kennedy within the Limo from the sniper's nest but inadvertently they provided more conclusive evidence of the Single Bullet Fact!
The closest the SS came to what we now know as the Single Bullet Alignment was Z222 and we can see that Connally is virtually in the right position but a little high.

Now when we look at the Zapruder perspective comparison the height differential is explained, the Limo and/or Connally stand-in that the SS used made him too high but with the appropriate Zapruder correction the alignment is perfect.

And what do you know at this precise point in time when the men were precisely lined up, we can see an obvious simultaneous reaction.

To keep denying the Single Bullet Fact is akin to denying the Holocaust and the Moon Landings but I guess you Kooks simply can't help yourselves.
Instead of a very broad and typical CT guess,A guess? Sure... I never claimed it to be the exact spot. But just tell me where you want the limo to be and we'll go from there. IMO any location closer to the TSBD reduces even further the possibility of a straight shot ending up under Connally's shoulder.
let's apply a little science gathered from original evidence and recreations.You're funny.... What kind of science would that be? Junk science, perhaps? You can't deduce a straight line between the TSBD window and the victims from those photos. You can only make one up.
The only photo that comes close to the photo I posted is the one in the middle marked "Photograph through the rifle scope" and even that one clearly shows that a shot coming from the TSBD and going through Kennedy's back and throad at that angle would never ever have hit Connally anywhere near where he was hit. You don't need science for that, just a pair of functional eyes!
You can present all the mumbo jumbo "science" you want based on Zap stills and SS photograph but all you are doing is what Myers did with his graphics.... You look for a way to support your preditermined conclusion, despite the fact that you are not, and never will be, able to come up with a straight line.
To keep denying the Single Bullet Fact is akin to denying the Holocaust and the Moon Landings but I guess you Kooks simply can't help yourselves.Anybody who makes such a comment is a very sick puppy!
But just for your information, I do not deny the Holocaust or the moon landings. What I do deny is your propaganda crap about the SBT. Get back to me when you can come up with a straight line!