If the slump is severe enough, I suppose it's possible to make a portion of C6 go below a portion of T1. But don't worry, the bullet didn't enter at T1 and didn't exit at C6 anyway.
So you claim. Do my experiment any way you like then post the results, otherwise, x-ray graphics are meaningless.
If you're going to try this experiment, effect a less pronounced slouch and have the bullet enter over from the C7 bump at the back of the neck. Since the body in the experiment is parallel to the laser paths, the 17? ground laser should strike the front of the neck at a level equal to a point above the jugular notch, as shown below.

Do it any way you like, just do it!
That's if you've managed to mimic the posture of the President's neck at the time he was wounded. But at least you tried.
I didn't try anything, I described the experiment, which all you LNers either failed to do or didn't like the results.
Critics don't want it to work and they will cite the 99% of the time when it doesn't work. A sensible margin of error of 10% would cut the failure rate considerably. But you notice Trojan didn't offer it.
You LNers are inconvincible, so why would I post my results?