The Mac Wallace myth
From Faustian Bargains
by Joan Mellen
October 12, 2016
Mellen?s biggest service is to revisit the story of an unidentified fingerprint found on a box on the 6th floor of the Texas School Book Depository. Numerous JFK researchers have repeated the claim that the fingerprint was that of Mac Wallace, an LBJ associate who apparently murdered a man whom he believed to have slept with his wife. As Mellen shows with a careful reconstruction of the case, Wallace escaped punishment for the crime thanks to legal machinations of Texas politicos aligned with LBJ. From these events arose the hoary legend that Mac Wallace had something to do with JFK?s assassination.
Mellen kills the legend. She points out that the two ?experts? who said that fingerprint came from Wallace were not certified identification experts at the time of their claims. They also used a faulty image of the fingerprint. She notes that the JFK authors who repeated the story of the Mac Wallace fingerprint often used identical language without ever bothering verify the claim.
By contrast, Mellen did the due diligence. She obtained a quality fingerprint image from the National Archives and showed it to an accredited expert, Robert Garrett, without disclosing the issue at stake. Garrett stated, without qualification, that the fingerprint does not match Wallace?s. Mellen reproduces his methodology. The Mac Wallace fingerprint myth has now been definitively debunked.
Rubbish. Wallace's fingerprint is not a myth as much as you LNers would like to believe. Joan Mellen was taking the word of a member of the FBI, who originally pooh-poohed the print, based on what??? Where is their analysis/report? You can't just say nope the print doesn't match. Obviously, the FBI is still working the BS to this day. Why would Walt Brown lie? Was Darby not as competent as whomever analyzed the print at the FBI? Isn't that like the GOP overseeing the Trump investigation? Give me a break!