The Dallas PD did a terrible job investigating the JFK murder:
1) Limited their search immediately after the killing to the TBD and grassy knoll area
2) Failed to follow SOP for chain of custody for evidence
3) Allowed the crime scene to be removed to Wash. DC ( President's limo)
4) Allowed the body of JFK to be removed to Wash DC without an autopsy being performed. Texas State law REQUIRED it!
5) Allowed the media total access to the DPD HQ's during an ongoing investigation- totally insane!
6) Failed to allow the accused legal repesentation BEFORE questioning.
7) Failed to document interviews with the accused

Failed to protect the accused from harm while in custody ( LHO shooting)
9) Took photo and video evidence from witnesses without due process, a warrant, or any legal basis. And NEVER returned them.
10) Bowed to the wishes of the FBI, SS, and CIA to take over the investigation despite the fact that there was no Federal law that governed the killing of a President. Thus absconding their duty to the public to " protect and defend"
11) etc, etc, etc.... It's pretty evident that DPD either was totally incompetant, OR.....were a part of something.