There is an important reason that I touched upon that further explains conspiracy theories. If you entertain baseless fantasies, like a JFK conspiracy or little green men visiting from Mars, you must have an explanation for why you can never prove it.
Mr "Smith".....Since you've brought up the subject of baseless fantasies....I believe it's important to remind you that your entire case is based on fantastic THEORIES.One of the theories within the fantastic tale is the THEORY that Lee Oswald dashed past the elevator gates on the sixth floor and hastily dropped the rifle behind a row of boxes at the top of the stairs. There are in fact photos that depict a rifle jammed between boxes of books and it is about THREE feet from the partition on the east side of the stairs. However.... Detective Robert Studebaker drew a map that depicted where the various pieces of evidence ( the spent shells and the carcano) were located when they were discovered. Studebaker's map clearly shows that the rifle was discovered lying on the floor EIGHT FEET from the partition on the east side of the stairs. That's FIVE feet further south than the location of the rifle in the official in situ photos. Even a elementary school kid can understand that no man could have dashed through that aisle at the top of the stairs and carefully hid the rifle beneath boxes of books that were over FIVE feet away and at least thee foot down ..... But apparently YOU Mr "Smith" do believe that FANTASY ......Now tell us again about believing in ridiculous fantasies.....
Why? You don't offer an explanation for why you can never prove your baseless fantasy that Oswald did it.
I await (sorta, kinda.. not really) your nomination for a suspect assassin to replace the current placeholder
I await (sorta, kinda.. not really) your justification for "current placeholder".
Largely from the conspiracy-monger mindset that all evidence is either faked, planted, or altered.
In other words, no justification at all.You can't even identify anybody who argues that "all evidence is either faked, planted, or altered".
CaprioCakebreadFreeman etc