Rifle location was about 15 feet from the interior of the north wall (in above photo, look through stairway on left to the brick wall, which is the building's north wall). Rifle was found on the floor below the three opened boxes at right (only two are visible) next to the tall stack on the right edge of the photo.
The roughly ten-foot distance would be from the wooden wall on the right, which is a partition for the ascending stairway to the seventh floor.
Thank You, Jerry... I sincerely appreciate the opportunity to discus this aspect of the case.
Rifle location was about 15 feet from the interior of the north wall Detective Robert Studebaker MEASURED the distance as
5 feet from the west wall and
15 feet 4 inches from the north wall with the muzzle pointing east. You know that this is true, because you've posted Studebaker's map.
(in above photo, look through stairway on left to the brick wall, which is the building's north wall).
Yes, We agree on that point......
Rifle was found on the floor below the three opened boxes at right (only two are visible) next to the tall stack on the right edge of the photo.
NO!...That's NOT correct.....But that IS the location where the DPD placed the rifle to stage the phony in situ photo.
The roughly ten-foot distance would be from the wooden wall on the right, which is a partition for the ascending stairway to the seventh floor.The south end of the wooden partition was about 8 feet from the north wall (LOOK at Studebaker's map) and the aisle was about 2 feet wide and the rifle in the phony in situ photo was on the south side of that aisle or about 11 feet from the north wall..... In reality the rifle was about four feet further south ( and four feet down) than the place where the rifle was placed for the fake photo.....
The south side of the brick column that has the "Stairway sign posted on it is about 11 feet from the north wall......