Not sure the rifle was under the palette and then moved from there and placed scope side up, but if so, that could explain Wietzman having serous depression problem later in his life. Its seems strange to me that Wietzman would have serious depression problem just for making an honest mistake misidentifying the MC rifle as a Mauser. So I have to suspect something else was bothering him worse than that.
They admitted that some of the boxes were moved to make it easier for Alyea to film and for the photo of the MC rifle laying on the floor, so I have to wonder if "moving some" means actually "unstacking the 2nd parallel row of boxes"
The width of the gap required, between 2 parallel walls of fairly heavy boxes, to make it easy for an MC rifle wooden stock with an OFFSET left scope, to slide down all the way to the floor just from gravity, is how wide?
Then there is the wiping the stock, scope, trigger, clean of any prints, and also gripping the rifle by the scope probably with a rag or his shirt, so not to leave print on the scope, while the gunman or MC rifle 'holder" is trying to get it in that gap and if it has to be pushed down or slides on it on?
This seems to me like it would take longer time than just 3 seconds like the Beyond Conspriacy video showing a guy just placing a rifle in a BIG GAP of about 6 inches between just 2 single boxes laying on the floor