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Author Topic: Two ways on how NOT to frame Oswald  (Read 21438 times)

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Two ways on how NOT to frame Oswald
« Reply #56 on: April 03, 2019, 05:57:53 PM »
Mr. WEITZMAN - After that, we entered the building and started to search floor to floor and we started on the first floor, second floor, third floor and on up, when we got up to the fifth or sixth floor, I forget, I believe it was the sixth floor, the chief deputy or whoever was in charge of the floor, I forget the officer's name, from the sheriff's office, said he wanted that floor torn apart. He wanted that gun and it was there somewhere, so myself and another officer from the sheriff's department, I can't remember his name, he and I proceeded until we----
Mr. BALL - Was his name Boone?
Mr. WEITZMAN - That is correct, Boone and I, and as he was looking over the rear section of the building, I would say the northwest corner, I was on the floor looking under the flat at the same time he was looking on the top side and we saw the gun, I would say, simultaneously and I said, "There it is" and he started hollering, "We got it." It was covered with boxes. It was well protected as far as the naked eye because I would venture to say eight or nine of us stumbled over that gun a couple times before we thoroughly searched the building.

Imo, this statement from Weitzman implies  he was looking THROUGH the open space under the pallet of boxes ("the flat"), and that's why he saw the rifle on the floor on the south side of row of boxes  that Boone was leaning over, hence both of them seeing the rifle about the same time.

Apparently some 8 or 9 people passed by that gap between the pallet of boxes and the wall of boxes closest to the staircase, and did not see the rifle. Weitzman suggests it was "covered with boxes" and was "well protected"

Question:...  If the rifle had been discovered about 14 feet from the north wall and jammed between boxes of books, as depicted by the official in situ photo ....

Would Deputy Boone have needed a powerful flashlight to see it?    

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Two ways on how NOT to frame Oswald
« Reply #56 on: April 03, 2019, 05:57:53 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Two ways on how NOT to frame Oswald
« Reply #57 on: April 04, 2019, 10:20:11 PM »
Question:...  If the rifle had been discovered about 14 feet from the north wall and jammed between boxes of books, as depicted by the official in situ photo ....

Would Deputy Boone have needed a powerful flashlight to see it?   

he ( Fritz) wanted that floor torn apart. He wanted that gun and it was there somewhere, so myself and another officer from the sheriff's department, ( Boone) I can't remember his name, he and I proceeded until we----

Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: Two ways on how NOT to frame Oswald
« Reply #58 on: April 08, 2019, 04:33:40 AM »
Not sure the rifle was under the palette and then moved from there and placed scope side up, but if so, that could explain Wietzman having serous depression problem later in his life. Its seems strange to me that Wietzman would have serious depression problem just for making an honest mistake  misidentifying the MC rifle as a Mauser. So I have to suspect something else was bothering him worse than that.

They admitted that some of the boxes were moved to make it easier for Alyea to film and for the photo of the MC rifle laying on the floor, so I have to wonder if "moving some" means actually "unstacking the 2nd parallel row of boxes"

The width of the gap required, between 2 parallel walls of fairly heavy boxes,  to make it easy for an MC rifle wooden stock with an OFFSET left scope, to slide down all the way to the floor just from gravity, is how wide?

Then there is the wiping the stock, scope, trigger, clean of any prints, and also gripping the rifle by the scope probably with a rag or his shirt, so not to leave print on the scope, while the gunman or MC rifle 'holder" is trying to get it in that gap and if it has to be pushed down or slides on it on?

This seems to me like it would take longer time than just 3 seconds like the Beyond Conspriacy video showing a guy just placing a rifle in a BIG GAP of about 6 inches between just 2 single boxes laying on the floor :D

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Two ways on how NOT to frame Oswald
« Reply #58 on: April 08, 2019, 04:33:40 AM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Two ways on how NOT to frame Oswald
« Reply #59 on: April 11, 2019, 01:20:36 AM »
Not sure the rifle was under the palette and then moved from there and placed scope side up, but if so, that could explain Wietzman having serous depression problem later in his life. Its seems strange to me that Wietzman would have serious depression problem just for making an honest mistake  misidentifying the MC rifle as a Mauser. So I have to suspect something else was bothering him worse than that.

They admitted that some of the boxes were moved to make it easier for Alyea to film and for the photo of the MC rifle laying on the floor, so I have to wonder if "moving some" means actually "unstacking the 2nd parallel row of boxes"

The width of the gap required, between 2 parallel walls of fairly heavy boxes,  to make it easy for an MC rifle wooden stock with an OFFSET left scope, to slide down all the way to the floor just from gravity, is how wide?

Then there is the wiping the stock, scope, trigger, clean of any prints, and also gripping the rifle by the scope probably with a rag or his shirt, so not to leave print on the scope, while the gunman or MC rifle 'holder" is trying to get it in that gap and if it has to be pushed down or slides on it on?

This seems to me like it would take longer time than just 3 seconds like the Beyond Conspriacy video showing a guy just placing a rifle in a BIG GAP of about 6 inches between just 2 single boxes laying on the floor :D

The Mannlicher Carcano rifle was lying on the floor with the left side ( sling side)  up, and it was picked up by LT J.C.Day from the floor by the leather sling.  We can see that in Tom Alyea's video.....    Later when they realized that one of their officers ( marrion Baker) had encountered Lee Oswald in the lunchroom drinking a coke, they realized that Lee couldn't possibly have had enough time to hide the rifle as Weitzman and Boone found it AFTER the shooting and before being encountered by Baker and Truly.   Soooo, consequently.....    They were forced to move the rifle to a more accessible location ....And that's the photo that they presented as the official IN SITU  photo.    That photo is a damned fake.... The rifle in that fake in situ photo is a little more than 14 feet from the north wall....And Detective Studebaker left us a nice map of the area where the rifle was found ....and Studebaker measured the place as being 15 feet 4 inches from the north wall.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2019, 01:26:16 AM by Walt Cakebread »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Two ways on how NOT to frame Oswald
« Reply #60 on: April 11, 2019, 06:40:46 PM »
Not sure the rifle was under the palette and then moved from there and placed scope side up, but if so, that could explain Wietzman having serous depression problem later in his life. Its seems strange to me that Wietzman would have serious depression problem just for making an honest mistake  misidentifying the MC rifle as a Mauser. So I have to suspect something else was bothering him worse than that.

They admitted that some of the boxes were moved to make it easier for Alyea to film and for the photo of the MC rifle laying on the floor, so I have to wonder if "moving some" means actually "unstacking the 2nd parallel row of boxes"

The width of the gap required, between 2 parallel walls of fairly heavy boxes,  to make it easy for an MC rifle wooden stock with an OFFSET left scope, to slide down all the way to the floor just from gravity, is how wide?

Then there is the wiping the stock, scope, trigger, clean of any prints, and also gripping the rifle by the scope probably with a rag or his shirt, so not to leave print on the scope, while the gunman or MC rifle 'holder" is trying to get it in that gap and if it has to be pushed down or slides on it on?

This seems to me like it would take longer time than just 3 seconds like the Beyond Conspriacy video showing a guy just placing a rifle in a BIG GAP of about 6 inches between just 2 single boxes laying on the floor :D

Its seems strange to me that Wietzman would have serious depression problem just for making an honest mistake  misidentifying the MC rifle as a Mauser. So I have to suspect something else was bothering him worse than that.

I agree....  I believe that Mr Weitzman KNEW the truth...  The FACT that Lee Oswald could not have hidden the rifle in the manner that he and Boone found it AFTER the shooting.    Weitzman knew that Lee was framed....But there was nothing he could do about it.....Just as Howard brennan knew that Lee was framed ...and recognized that it was the authorities who were framing Lee Oswald....

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Two ways on how NOT to frame Oswald
« Reply #60 on: April 11, 2019, 06:40:46 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Two ways on how NOT to frame Oswald
« Reply #61 on: April 12, 2019, 06:06:21 PM »
Not sure the rifle was under the palette and then moved from there and placed scope side up, but if so, that could explain Wietzman having serous depression problem later in his life. Its seems strange to me that Wietzman would have serious depression problem just for making an honest mistake  misidentifying the MC rifle as a Mauser. So I have to suspect something else was bothering him worse than that.

They admitted that some of the boxes were moved to make it easier for Alyea to film and for the photo of the MC rifle laying on the floor, so I have to wonder if "moving some" means actually "unstacking the 2nd parallel row of boxes"

The width of the gap required, between 2 parallel walls of fairly heavy boxes,  to make it easy for an MC rifle wooden stock with an OFFSET left scope, to slide down all the way to the floor just from gravity, is how wide?

Then there is the wiping the stock, scope, trigger, clean of any prints, and also gripping the rifle by the scope probably with a rag or his shirt, so not to leave print on the scope, while the gunman or MC rifle 'holder" is trying to get it in that gap and if it has to be pushed down or slides on it on?

This seems to me like it would take longer time than just 3 seconds like the Beyond Conspriacy video showing a guy just placing a rifle in a BIG GAP of about 6 inches between just 2 single boxes laying on the floor :D

Then there is the wiping the stock, scope, trigger, clean of any prints, and also gripping the rifle by the scope probably with a rag or his shirt, so not to leave print on the scope, while the gunman or MC rifle 'holder" is trying to get it in that gap and if it has to be pushed down or slides on it on?

If It was Lee who handled the rifle....He wouldn't have wiped it clean of prints..... Because he would have known that there was a paper trail that connected him to the carcano....and since he was playing the same hoax game that he'd played at Walker's in April he would have wanted the papers to publish that his prints had been found on the rifle that is belived to be the rifle that was fired AT  AT  JFK  ( but missed just like Walker)  .......

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Two ways on how NOT to frame Oswald
« Reply #62 on: April 13, 2019, 02:59:58 PM »
Question:...  If the rifle had been discovered about 14 feet from the north wall and jammed between boxes of books, as depicted by the official in situ photo ....

Would Deputy Boone have needed a powerful flashlight to see it?   

Question:...  If the rifle had been discovered about 14 feet from the north wall and jammed between boxes of books, as depicted by the official in situ photo ....

Would Deputy Boone have needed a powerful flashlight to see it?   

OK.... so nobody had the balls to answer that question..... I'll try another.

If the rifle had been jammed between the boxes as depicted in the official in situ photo.... 

Would Seymour Weitzman have been able to see it while being down on the floor and looking beneath the boxes?

Offline Rob Caprio

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Re: Two ways on how NOT to frame Oswald
« Reply #63 on: April 15, 2019, 11:14:29 PM »
Name your shooter

Do we have to provide supporting evidence or can we just name someone and not support it at all like you do?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Two ways on how NOT to frame Oswald
« Reply #63 on: April 15, 2019, 11:14:29 PM »