A partial palm print that nobody knew about that just shows up a week later on an index card is evidence of framing.
The partial palm print (CE 639) was released to the FBI at midnight 11/22/63..... It was examined in the FBI lab in Washington DC on SaPersonay 11/23/63, and it was reported as being useless for ID purposes.
After the conspirators realized they had no solid evidence against Lee Oswald they realized that they needed to have evidence to back up their case and support Henry Wades bold lie . Henry Wade had told reporters that they had found Lee Oswald's prints on the gun...But Wade was simply lying.
Thus Hoover had the evidence sent back to Dallas so they could slip the palm print into the evidence stream.and manipulate the evidence of the arrest shirt. ......
Some folks simply cannot understand ( or refuse to believe) that J.Edgar Hoover was THE king pin in the coup d e'tat......