I know the following simplified explanation will probably be "lost" on you, but regarding those two photos (Betzner-3 and Willis-5) which were taken about a second apart and in which the Queen Mary was progressing from right to left and therefore obscuring different spectators from the photographers' lenses as it went along, the point is that by realizing Abraham Zapruder is visible near the center of both photos and, concomitantly, that the two photographers, Betzner and Willis, were standing only a few feet from each other as far as Zapruder's LOS was concerned, ... well, one can easily realize that
John Templin is in both photos, standing to the immediate left of your "Glasses Woman" (i.e., the tall black-blouse and black-headscarf-wearing gal) in Betzner-3, and standing to the immediate right of his buddy, suit-and-fedora-hat-wearing Ernest Brandt in Willis-5, and that it can therefore be unequivocally stated that that short sequence of spectators on the north side of Elm Street was comprised of, from right to left in Zapruder and obviously with no one else in between them: Ernest Brandt, John Templin, and ... gasp ... (your) "Glasses Woman".
Interested researchers and students can click on the link, below, and scroll down to and enlarge the two photos I'm talking about here - Betzner-3 and Willis-5.
Please note that Ernest Brandt
can be seen in Betzner-3 -- or at least the very tip of the peak of his trademark fedora hat, as it peeks up from behind the right shoulder of a SS agent like some kind of strange "bump".
http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/bunched3.htm-- MWT