Some of the witness not called to testify:
1. Orville Nix, filmed JFK limo slowing down, opposite side of Elm st from Zapruder
2. James Darnell, film started about same time as Couch film, showing Baker running to TSBD front steps. This running by Baker is also partly captured in the Malcolm Couch film.
3. Dave Wiegman, filmed a sequence beginning BEFORE Couch and Darnell films, in which Weigman film ran continously, capturring Mr.Campbell and an older woman in white scarf beside him, presumed to be Mrs Reid.
4. Robert Hughes. Filmed the JFK limo approaching the TSBD building on Houston st. No person or rifle can be seen in the TSBD 6th story SE window, even as the Hughes film captures the JFK limo turning the corner to Elm st.
5.Charles L.Bronson. Bronson film, began approx 12:25pm. A box can be seen on the window ledge of the 6th floor SE window of the TSBD. This means the box had to have been placed in the window not later than 12:25.
6. Dorothy Garner. A crucial witness, an office manager from 4th floor office who followed Victoria Adams and Styles shortly after they left the 4th floor office approx 15 sec post shots. Garner's statement of having seen no one on the stiarcase after seing Adams and Styles go down, until she saw Baker and Truly coming up", was suppressed. Known as the "Belin Memo"
7. Mr.Campbell. The man in black hat and suit, seen in Wiegman film, standing with white scarf woman, presumed to be Mrs Reid. Not called to further explain his several FBI statments about his movements, or to confirm or deny white scarf woman in Wiegman film is Mrs Reid.
8. Most of the rest of the 2nd floor office woman, who could verify or deny Mrs Reid was among tham at time of Baker running as filme presumably by BOTH Couch and Darnell. Probably the reason is that Geneva Hine, who was one of the few office women called, contradicts the probability of Mrs Reid having met Oswald in complete isolation at a time estimated by Belin time trial to be 2 min post shots.