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Author Topic: Assassination Witnesses Never Called to give Testimony at the Warren Commission  (Read 21711 times)

Offline Jerry Freeman

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VOLUNTARY STATEMENT. Not Under Arrest Form No. 86

Before me, the undersigned authority, on this the 22nd day of November A.D. 1963 personally appeared Emmett Joseph Hudson, Address 107 South Bishop, Dallas, Texas Age 56 , Phone No. WH 2-2008
Deposes and says:

I am presently employed by the City of Dallas, Texas in the Park Department. I have been so employed for the past 6 years. My position is to take care of the property on the West side of Houston Street between Houston Street and the Tripple [sic] Underpass. I also take care of the fountain in front of the Union Terminal. This day a was sitting on the front steps of the sloping area and about half way down the steps. There was another man sitting there with me. He was sitting on my left and we were both facing the street with our backs to the railroad yards and the brick building. At the same time the President's car was directly in front of us, I heard a shot and I saw the President fall over in the seat. I do not know who this other man was that was sitting beside me. In our conversation he talked about having a hard time finding a place to park. He also talked about working somewhere over on Industrial Blvd. This man said Lay down and we did. I definately [sic] heard 3 shots. The shots that I heard definately [sic] came from behind and above me. When I laid down on the ground I laid on my right side and my view was still toward the street where the President's car had passed. I did look around but I did not see any firearms at all. This shot sounded to me like a high powered rifle.

/s/ Emmett J. Hudson

Subscribed and sworn to before me on this the 22nd day of Nov A. D. 1963

/s/ C. M. Jones
Notary Public, Dallas County, Texas

JFK Assassination Forum

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Date: 11/24/63

Mr. JACK FRANZEN, 10572, [sic] Cromwell Circle, telephone FL 7-3717, who is employed by the Fox and Jacob Construction Company, 9106 Soverign [sic] Row, was contacted in response to a telephone call received from him at 1900 Main Street.

Mr. FRANZEN advised he and his wife and small son were standing in the grass area west of Houston Street and south of Elm Street at the time the President's motorcade arrived at that location at approximately 12:30 PM on November 22, 1963. He said he heard the sound of an explosion which appeared to him to come from the President's car and noticed small fragments flying inside the President's car and immediately assumed that someone had tossed a firecracker inside the automobile. He heard a second and third and possibly a fourth explosion and recognized these sounds as being shots fired from some firearm. At the same time he noticed blood appearing at the top and sides of the head of President Kennedy. He noticed a colored family consisting of a man, woman and small child nearby and at the sound of these shots the man picked up the small boy and ran with the woman west on Elm Street toward the overpass. During the ensuing confusion he remembers looking at the side of the building occupied by the Texas School Book Depository, located across Elm Street from his position but does not remember seeing anything of a suspicious nature with regard to that building. He noticed the men, who were presumed to be Secret Service Agents, riding in the car directly behind the President's car, unloading from the car, some with firearms in their hands, and noticed police officers and these plain clothesmen [sic] running up the grassy slope across Elm Street from his location and toward a wooded and bushy area located across Elm Street from him.

Because of this activity he presumed the shots which were fired came from the shrubbery or bushes toward which these officers appeared to be running.

He looked over the crowd which had assembled along both sides of Elm Street in this block but noticed nothing which appeared unusual among these spectators.

Mr. FRANZEN advised he is aware that the information which he has furnished may not be of any particular significance but advised in view of his close proximity to the President's vehicle at the time of these shots, felt that he possibly should furnish whatever information he could.

on 11/22/63 at Dallas, Texas File # DL 89-43
by Special Agents Alfred C. Ellington and Joseph L. Loeffler [sp?]

Offline Jerry Freeman

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The accounts of Price and Franzen are meant to indicate shots from the front?
Of the motorcade? Can you read?

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Offline Jerry Freeman

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Has anyone on here ever compiled a list or register of witnesses that were never called by the Warren Commission to give testimony? Or is such a list available on the net? Does anyone have any good links on this subject? Thank you
I don't understand the significance of posting the accounts of Price and Franzen.
They did not testify.

Offline Mike Orr

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Talk of the ' Head Piece ' being in the hand of a person with a white shirt on could have possibly been a ' hair piece ' if the man who was running away was David W. Ferrie who was said to have been pictured with a rifle shooting at JFK . We know the so called picture of David Ferrie with a white shirt on , shooting at JFK , wore a hair piece !

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Offline John Tonkovich

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The Commission was not planning on calling Ike Altgens. Only after some bad press about this "goof" was Mr. Altgens summoned,  for a late July appearance.

And, yes, there was a good reason for trying to keep his testimony from being heard.

Does anyone know why?

Offline Tim Nickerson

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The Commission was not planning on calling Ike Altgens. Only after some bad press about this "goof" was Mr. Altgens summoned,  for a late July appearance.

And, yes, there was a good reason for trying to keep his testimony from being heard.

Does anyone know why?

I don't know why. Please enlighten me.

Offline John Tonkovich

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I don't know why. Please enlighten me.

He was certainly one of the best witnesses.
That's him in Z333 to about Z358ish, camera at the ready.
His pictures were on the "wire" soon after.
Altgens stated that he was "about" 15ft away from  the President" when JFK was hit in the head with the last shot. 
Since the street is about 30feet wide, that puts JFK directly opposite Altgens, who is standing facing the street, camera prefocused to 15 ft, about to snap the shutter.
And thats about Z345 to Z350, which certainly throws a monkey wrench in the whole official shooting sequence.
Remember, also, that in 64, we are ten plus years away from Zfilm release.
The Commitee first tried to ignore Altgens, then reluctantly took his testimony, and filed it away, never knowing that Altgens was a vital "supporting actor" in the Zapruder cinema production.

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