"in response to critics pointing out a EOP wound didn't jibe with a shot from the 6th floor SE corner of the TSBD"
Lane and Meagher didn't make no such claim. They maintained there was no skull entry wound at the rear of the skull, contending it entered the front of the skull. They implied the autopsy surgeons were incompetent and part of a cover-up.
Then the Clark Panel found the four-inch discrepancy and all the shade about Humes and Boswell disappeared. They were suddenly competent pathologists who were very accurate in locating the rear entry wound. The Clark Panel, and later the HSCA Forensic Panel, were inaccurate or the autopsy materials substituted or forged.
It doesn't work to any advantage to dishonestly "move" the skull entry wound upwards. Studivan, who says the shot came from the SN window, believes the lower entry point is accurate and that the bullet deflected upward to exit where it is seen to in the Zapruder film.
"Above the shoulder" was more ambiguous than "back of the base of the neck," which reflected language expressed in the Autopsy Report. The Clark Panel and other review used language similar to Ford's.
"Lane and Meagher didn't make no such claim. They maintained there was no skull entry wound at the rear of the skull, contending it entered the front of the skull. They implied the autopsy surgeons were incompetent and part of a cover-up."The Clark Panel was formed because of critics.
They moved the location of the entrance wound in the back of JFK's skull 4 inches,
from the EOP to the cowlick.
The autopsy doctors requested photos of the inside of the skull and outside of the skull at the EOP wound.
Those photo's absence in the Archives was noted during autopsy Doctor Fink's '67 review.
All 3 autopsy doctors stuck by their initial EOP wound location until death.
"It doesn't work to any advantage to dishonestly "move" the skull entry wound upwards."The move was based on a trail of particles across the top of JFK's skull in the x-ray below.
IMO They pointed out the trail of metal particles from a second bullet track.

IMO Having the autopsy doctors testify without the autopsy photos, x-rays etc. was critical for the coverup and more essential to it's continuation than the omission of testimony from witnesses we basically now know the content of.