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Author Topic: Assassination Witnesses Never Called to give Testimony at the Warren Commission  (Read 21713 times)

Offline John Tonkovich

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I think he's getting at the photo of the limousine with the first floor of the Depository in the back ground, which was followed by the photo of the limousine with the Underpass beyond.

Where does it say the WC was reluctant to call Altgens? Ce1407. It's in the first few paragraphs.

You think a pre-focus of 15 feet meant that he heard a shot which the limousine was that distance from him? Geeze. That's his testimony

Malcolm Summers ( had no idea where shots were coming from and was just following the herd):

    "Yesterday, November 23, 1963, I was standing on the terrace of the small park on Elm Street
     to watch the President's motorcade. The President's car had just come up in front of me when
     I heard a shot and saw the President slump down in the car and heard Mrs. Kennedy say,
     "Oh, no," then a second shot and then I hit the ground as I realized these were shots. Then all
     of the people started running up the terrace away from the President's car and I got up and
     started running also, not realizing what had happened. In just a few moments the President's
     car sped off and everyone was just running around towards the railroad tracks and I knew
     that they had somebody trapped up there. I imagine I stayed there 15 or 20 minutes and then
     went over on Houston Street to where I had my truck parked."

He evidently thought no one "trapped up there" was going to be found.

Is Malcolm the guy heading toward the ground? That's a rather telling action/reaction. I don't really care about anything else involving him. What, exactly, is he reacting to?

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Offline John Tonkovich

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Bullets were being fired, a man had been hit in the head 40 or so feet from him, and he thought he (Summers) might be killed.

Yeah, hearing the third shot about Z345ish.

Anyhow, back to Altgens. CE1407. Warren Commission  And the attempt to ignore him.

Offline John Tonkovich

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LOL. What shot at Z345ish?

What about CE1407? The Doorman issue? And if they were going to ignore Altgens, why did they call him to testify?

"You think a pre-focus of 15 feet meant that he heard a shot which the limousine was that distance from him? Geeze." Your answer: "That's his testimony"

It is?

    "I was prepared to make a picture at the very instant the President was shot.
     I had refocused to 15 feet because I wanted a good closeup of the President
     and Mrs. Kennedy, and that's why I know that it would be right at 15 feet,
     because I had prefocused in that area, and I had my camera almost to my
     eye when it happened and that's as far as I got with my camera."

He says he focused the camera to 15 feet and didn't take the shot. The President was shot before Altgens raised his camera for such a photo and thus was not in the 15 foot range. Even when the President passed by Altgens and was nearest, Altgens didn't raise his camera, due to shock he said.
" There was flesh particles that flew out the side of his head in my direction.."

From Z313 ? 30 feet away? 

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Offline Gary Craig

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"in response to critics pointing out a EOP wound didn't jibe with a shot from the 6th floor SE corner of the TSBD"

Lane and Meagher didn't make no such claim. They maintained there was no skull entry wound at the rear of the skull, contending it entered the front of the skull. They implied the autopsy surgeons were incompetent and part of a cover-up.

Then the Clark Panel found the four-inch discrepancy and all the shade about Humes and Boswell disappeared. They were suddenly competent pathologists who were very accurate in locating the rear entry wound. The Clark Panel, and later the HSCA Forensic Panel, were inaccurate or the autopsy materials substituted or forged.

It doesn't work to any advantage to dishonestly "move" the skull entry wound upwards. Studivan, who says the shot came from the SN window, believes the lower entry point is accurate and that the bullet deflected upward to exit where it is seen to in the Zapruder film.

"Above the shoulder" was more ambiguous than "back of the base of the neck," which reflected language expressed in the Autopsy Report. The Clark Panel and other review used language similar to Ford's.

"Lane and Meagher didn't make no such claim. They maintained there was no skull entry wound at the rear of the skull, contending it entered the front of the skull. They implied the autopsy surgeons were incompetent and part of a cover-up."

The Clark Panel was formed because of critics.
They moved the location of the entrance wound in the back of JFK's skull 4 inches,
from the EOP to the cowlick.

The autopsy doctors requested photos of the inside of the skull and outside of the skull at the EOP wound.
Those photo's absence in the Archives was noted during autopsy Doctor Fink's '67 review.

All 3 autopsy doctors stuck by their initial EOP wound location until death.

"It doesn't work to any advantage to dishonestly "move" the skull entry wound upwards."

The move was based on a trail of particles across the top of JFK's skull in the x-ray below.
IMO They pointed out the trail of metal particles from a second bullet track.

IMO Having the autopsy doctors testify without the autopsy photos, x-rays etc. was critical for the coverup and more essential to it's continuation than the omission of testimony from witnesses we basically now know the content of.

Offline Gary Craig

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The 1967 NA Inspection by Humes, Boswell Finck did not note any autopsy image was missing.

Their report describes a picture showing the interior of the skull.

Boswell and Finck supported Humes' claim of what he alone "measured" with "slightly above".

Humes did note a precise measurement from the skull midline. The exterior surface of the occipital bone near the EOP does not have a prominent midline. The parietal bone, where the Clark Panel located the entry wound, does have a midline.


"The 1967 NA Inspection by Humes, Boswell Finck did not note any autopsy image was missing."


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Offline Gary Craig

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Here is the Attorney General, in a taped phone call, telling LBJ they don't have the photo of JFK's right lung.
The one Humes testified was taken.

Date: 1-21-67 12:00 Noon

Time: 7 mins 25 secs at the end of a 8 mins 31 secs conversation

Phone Conversation between Acting Attorney General Ramsey Clark and President Lyndon Johnson
Re: Autopsy Photos


"That is, there may be a photo missing. Dr. Humes, Commander and Naval doctor, testified before the Warren Commission
that this one photo made of the highest portion of the right lung."


"It could be contended that that photo could show the course and direction the bullet that entered the lower part of the
neck and exited the front part."


"We are left with one specific problem. Dr. Humes did testify before the Warren Commission there was such a photo [that]
we don't have."


Offline Bill Chapman

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« Last Edit: February 21, 2020, 07:42:32 PM by Bill Chapman »

Offline John Tonkovich

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LOL. What shot at Z345ish?

What about CE1407? The Doorman issue? And if they were going to ignore Altgens, why did they call him to testify?

"You think a pre-focus of 15 feet meant that he heard a shot which the limousine was that distance from him? Geeze." Your answer: "That's his testimony"

It is?

    "I was prepared to make a picture at the very instant the President was shot.
     I had refocused to 15 feet because I wanted a good closeup of the President
     and Mrs. Kennedy, and that's why I know that it would be right at 15 feet,
     because I had prefocused in that area, and I had my camera almost to my
     eye when it happened and that's as far as I got with my camera."

He says he focused the camera to 15 feet and didn't take the shot. The President was shot before Altgens raised his camera for such a photo and thus was not in the 15 foot range. Even when the President passed by Altgens and was nearest, Altgens didn't raise his camera, due to shock he said.

He mentions the spray from Kennedy's head wound. At z313, Kennedy is in the middle of the street - 15 ft from the curb- and 30 plus ft down the road from Altgens. If we form a right triangle, with Atlgens atop the short leg of the triangle - 15 ft from the base of that leg, middle of road - where it meets the hypotenuse, and Kennedy at the junction of hypotenuse and the longer base , 30 ft, we then have a right triangle. And its Pythagoras time.
I.e. Altgens is, according to you, 33.5  ft from the final (sic) shot, yet he is sprayed with blood and brain. Humm. Guess there was a twister coming down Elm St.

CE 1407 shows that Altgens was not called till June 64, and only after this was raised in the press May 25th.

Ok. Also Altgens pictures are his; no, they were not edited. That's Lovelady.

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