Virtually ALL of the witnesses in Dallas at Parkland....( about thirty people) said that JFK had a huge hole in the back of his skull.....
You're right, the case is no big mystery....But it requires guts to face the truth... And that's the problem. Far too many cannot accept the truth, and would rather accept a lie .....
Virtually ALL of the witnesses at Parkland:
You don't have to look at only Parkland to find witnesses who said there was a MASSIVE hole in the right posterior of JFK's head. Some of the witnesses shown above were in Dealey Plaza, some at Parkland and some at Bethesda.
What would be the odds that so many witnesses who saw JFK's head would say that there was a large hole in the rear of it wasn't actually there?
The obvious answer is that the odds of so many people who never talked with each other describing similar things would NEVER be expected to happen.At this point it would seem to me that no reasonable person would believe that a conspiracy didn't exist.
The US government's version of the condition of the back of JFK's head is based in large part on the autopsy information that was developed at Bethesda.
The scenario of a small entrance wound in the rear of JFK's head as shown on the left of the image was always controlled by the US gov't. Because all of the medical personnel at Bethesda were initially given orders that they couldn't talk about the case, it shows that the US gov't could control what people said and what information was shown to the public. In other words, it would have been possible for the US gov't to have FORGED/ALTERED/DESTROYED evidence as necessary to show a small bullet hole instead of the large wound that was actually there.
At this point, it is easy to ask a few questions:1. WHO had the power to organize a team to kill the President of the United States?2. WHO had the power to "fix" the investiation so that the autopsy photographs could be forged to hide the truth? (The actual photographs were NOT shown until 1988 on the 25th anniversary of the brutal murder) about time 29 the documentary talks about the doctors finally sllowed to review the autopsy photographs
3. What would be the most likely motive for the US gov't to have forged autopsy information? The answer to that question is rather easy.
Getting back on topic to this thread,
no reasonable person who has reviewed the JFK assassination information about the autopsy should be able to say
CONSPIRACY THEORY. Instead, the most likely answer at this point is CONSPIRACY FAC