No, I wouldn't. But what does that have to do with Greer's "orders" and whether he complied?
Everyone knows you are merely an armchair photoshopper with zero training in photogrammetry. So you equate video gifs with 8mm film? For that alone, you fail.
I espouse professional gibberish, thank you very much. Unlike you, I actually put in the time to learn geomatics and photogrammetry, which I apply to my work every day. That's why I know you are a joke. Staccato effect, right! 
Do you believe any frames are missing in this sequence? I set the animated gif to real time, which has Greer facing forward faster than the blink of your beady eye, mate.

So you are comparing 1 copy of the Z film vs another?
Axe yourself why the FBI returned a copy to Zapruder and kept the original, which they sure as hell edited. There are at least 3 splices which cannot be attributed to Zapruder.
I know you are dumb, but not that dumb. You know damn well how the re-enactment works and you have already done it and were heartbroken at your results. It's the reason you stopped posting here, otherwise, you would have posted your results faster than the blink of an eye.
Here are my results, sucka:

No, I wouldn't.
But what does that have to do with Greer's "orders" and whether he complied?
His orders from whom, wasn't his boss JFK? Do you think JFK told Greer to slow down?
Everyone knows you are merely an armchair photoshopper with zero training in photogrammetry.
Give me one example of a professional photoshopper that required training in photogrammetry.
Btw you do know what "photogrammetry" is right? and if you do then please tell us how the 2 correlate?
So you equate video gifs with 8mm film? For that alone, you fail.
Yes, we're talking about film editing and to construct a video gif takes a lot of careful editing.
No one has edited film the old fashioned way for decades but the basic principle never changes, therefore any example I have and I have plenty as opposed to you having none, will logically be based in the digital realm. But at the end of the day we're talking about taking a piece of film and altering it as you say to "speed up the Limo" but how you go about this you haven't yet explained.
Btw in my teen years I made and edited together a few 8mm sfx films with tabletop sets and spaceships, gorey make-up, stop motion and other
dorky cool stuff and let me tell you working with tiny film is a pain in the ass and I would love for you finally to explain what they did. And what would be a neat experiment for a "photogrammetrist", is to grab some 8mm film clips that were taken with Zapruder's type of camera from Youtube then extract the frames and then speed up a random object in the clip and with the benefit of digital editing let's see what you can come up with?

Do you believe any frames are missing in this sequence? I set the animated gif to real time, which has Greer facing forward faster than the blink of your beady eye, mate.
Real time? The alternating clip you've borrowed from somewhere on the internet has totally eliminated frames 318 and 319 and is in no way real time, you can't be serious, you obviously don't understand any of these concepts and with each post you just dig a deeper hole but by all means keep digging and you might actually learn something, eventually?

So you are comparing 1 copy of the Z film vs another? 
It doesn't matter what film it is, the fact that when you remove even 1 frame from a continuous piece of film, it's always easy to spot.
Axe yourself why the FBI returned a copy to Zapruder and kept the original, which they sure as hell edited.
Being sure is not the same as giving us an technical explanation, which for a man in your position should be quite easy? Hehehe.
Anyway besides the gory headshot Life Magazine printed almost all the key frames and a lot of interconnected images meaning that your FBI had just a few days to alter a sequence of hundreds of 8mm film frames and then on top of that produce a photo realistic result, you're lack of knowledge allows you to dream but the real world simply doesn't work like that. In the following Zapruder clip I edited in the Life frames showing how any alteration is only possible in the imagination of a "photogrammetrist".

There are at least 3 splices which cannot be attributed to Zapruder.
Show us and let's compare what's happening within the frames and see what's cut out.