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Author Topic: Mary Bledsoe's reading her testimony from a cue card and makes a small omission.  (Read 8108 times)

Online John Mytton

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BEFORE ME, Patsy Collins, a Notary Public in and for said County, State of Texas, on this day personally appeared Mrs. Mary E. Bledsoe, w/f 67, 621 N. Marsalis, Dallas, Texas, Telephone WH2-1985 who, after being by me duly sworn, on oath deposes and says:

Last Friday, November 22, 1963, I went downtown to see the President. I stood on Main Street just across the street from Titche's until the parade passed by. The I walked over to Elm Street and caught a bus to go home. The bus traveled West on Elm Street to about Murphy Street and made a stop and that is when I saw Lee Oswald get on the bus. The traffic was heavy and it took quite sometime [sic] to travel two or three blocks. During that time someone made the statement that the President had been shot and while the bus was stopped due to the heavy traffic, Oswald got off the bus and I didn't see him again. I know this man was Lee Oswald because he lived in my home from October 7, 1963 to October 14, 1963.

/s/ Mrs. Mary E. Bledsoe


/s/ Patsy Collins
Notary Public, Dallas County, Texas

Mary Bledsoe the very next day said while on Elm street that Oswald got on and off after a few blocks , was this public knowledge?
Also that the bus was stalled in traffic?
And that her bus that went to her house just happened to be in the location she said it was?
Or that while the bus was stalled that someone said the President was shot.


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Offline Walt Cakebread

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in fact Bledsoe saw Oswald on the bus

That's only a "fact" when you believe and rely on an unreliable witness.

That's only a "fact" when you believe and rely on an unreliable witness.

Yes... And Mary Bledsoe was definitely unreliable....    She said that she was on the first car ( she thought she was riding in a street car)  that passed through the intersection of Houston And Elm after the murder of JFK and she notice the tellow police barricade tapes and the police had the killer in handcuffs and leading him away form the area....And they looked up to where the shots had came from....

She knew all of this before any of these "facts" were know to the police......

Online John Mytton

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in fact Bledsoe saw Oswald on the bus

That's only a "fact" when you believe and rely on an unreliable witness.


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Offline Tom Scully

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Look familiar? Obviously preserved for posterity before witness McWatters had been "squared away" as to what
was appropriate to recall vs. what was not.

« Last Edit: April 16, 2019, 04:40:44 AM by Tom Scully »

Offline Tom Scully

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Mary Bledsoe the very next day said while on Elm street that Oswald got on and off after a few blocks , was this public knowledge?
Also that the bus was stalled in traffic?
And that her bus that went to her house just happened to be in the location she said it was?
Or that while the bus was stalled that someone said the President was shot.


The last question in CE2170, a transcript of a brief TV interview of Henry Wade in the morning of Sat., Nov., 23,
asks D.A. Wade if this was the first time Dallas Transit had been used as a get away car. The alleged bus escape
was already part of the local lore despite your discounting of any possibility witness Mary was a coerced or directed disinfo presence
or a lonely, mixed up old lady who was watching too much TV

Mary Bledsoe's aunt Adelaide Senter Germany just happened to be RD Matthews' mother's sister.

Dial Ryder just happened to be the uncle of assistant art director Jack Leslie Bowen's AKA John Caesar Grossi's son.   Ironically, Grossi was arrested impersonating the man
his son Glenn Lewis Bowen took the name of, Mantooth.

« Last Edit: April 16, 2019, 11:31:04 AM by Tom Scully »

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Offline Jerry Freeman

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"The bus traveled West on Elm Street to about Murphy Street and made a stop and that is when I saw Lee Oswald get on the bus."

Where is Murphy Street?,-96.8016234,19z?hl=en
It used to be a through street but a lot has changed downtown.

Offline Tom Scully

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Lola Mellen at age 21 married Russell Douglas Matthews in 1940. A year later their daughter Peggy Ann was born and father Russell was
about to enlist in the USMC. Twenty years later, in 1961, Lola seems to have had the worst but reasonable opinion, considering, of her ex-husband
Russell Matthews despite living a thousand miles distant, in Burlingame. CA.

Reading this for the first time earlier this week, I was moved to ask myself if Matthews gave the impression he was ruthless to the point of depravity
and could impose his will on anyone, if the concerns about his own daughter memorialized below are an indication.

Matthews seems like someone capable of directing cousin Mary Bledsoe to mislead DPD and SS and of dispatching Ruby to the DPD's basement's "Sunday service"
by making an offer to Ruby he couldn't refuse, like the continued health and safety of Ruby siblings and their kids.

Lola Margaret Mellen Dougherty's name was misppelled by DPD in 1961. I checked for any link between her husband Hubert Dougherty,
a California native, and Jack E Dougherty, and found no common ancestors or living relations.
Lola Margaret ?Peggy? Mellen Dougherty

« Last Edit: April 20, 2019, 11:48:10 AM by Tom Scully »

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