The only person who placed himself anywhere near the stairwell was Jack Dougherty. However, that placement is highly doubtful. Dougherty was not reliable, due to no fault of his own.
Dougherty was reliable enough to fill orders and check the fire alarm each morning.
Mr. BALL - Now, what kind of work have you been doing at the Texas School Book Depository in the last few years?
Mr. DOUGHERTY - Oh---shipping clerk.
Mr. BALL - And what kind of work is that?
Mr. DOUGHERTY - Well, that's when they bring the orders from on the second floor, and in other words, you fill them from the---they are orders, I guess you would call them orders, to fill from there, and outside of doing little odd jobs besides that---that's it.
Mr. BALL - What time did you go to work?
Mr. DOUGHERTY - Well, I got there---it was after 7 o'clock in the morning.
Mr. BALL - Do you usually get there in the morning at 7 o'clock?
Mr. BALL - Why do you get there at 7 instead of 8, when the rest of the men get there?
Mr. DOUGHERTY - Well, you might say, I have a little---
extra chores to do.
Mr. BALL - You do that--you get there at 7 all the time, don't you?
Mr. DOUGHERTY - Yes, I've been doing it for
11 years.
Mr. BALL - That's what Mr. Truly told me, that you get there real early.
Mr. BALL - And you did get there about 7 that morning?
Mr. BALL - Let's see, Mr. Dougherty, you said that you have some extra chores--what are those extra chores?
Mr. DOUGHERTY - I have to see to it that
the water system is pumped up. In other words, the air pressure is up to where---up to 40 pounds so that if it isn't pumped up, the alarm goes off, and the ADT runs that alarm system, and we immediately call Mr. Truly and of
course they call me.
Mr. BALL - What is the ADT?
Mr. DOUGHERTY - That's that---I don't know too much about it---it has something to do with the alarm system they have got down there.
Mr. BALL - You mean the pressure, do you?
Mr. BALL - Is that a fire-alarm system?
Mr. DOUGHERTY - Yes--you could call it that.
Mr. BALL - Now, what else do you do there early in the morning?
Mr. DOUGHERTY - Well, let's see,
I have to check and see that there is no leaks ,in the building, that the pipes are not leaking somewhere.
Mr. BALL - Anything else you do?
Mr. DOUGHERTY - No; I believe that just about covers it.
I believe he became "more confused" or distressed after the shooting (comment from Truly) and possible "less reliable".
His was quite specific about his position at the time he heard the rifle shot.
Mr. BALL - Tell me this---when you heard that explosion or whatever it was--- that loud noise, where were you on the fifth floor-tell me exactly where you were?
Mr. DOUGHERTY - Well, I was about
10 feet from the west elevator---
the west side of the elevator.

Here is a picture that you can use as a reference.

Was Dougherty retrieving stock from the boxes to the left of the picture? As the elevator gates were left open at this time, one assumes he was not far from the only elevator that could be "called" at that time. The east elevator was on the same floor. Dougherty was assumed to have moved the west elevator by the time Baker and Truly arrived. Where did it go?

Another inconvenience that needed to be clarified, Williams also not very reliable after the shooting it seems. Must have been confused or misunderstood by the FBI. Easy mistake to make.