Do you actually think that these insults make your argument any better?
My argument regarding the three gals' in Towner being, from left to right, Stella Mae Jacob, Gloria Holt, and Sharon Simmons doesn't need to be any better. Either you are sufficiently open-minded (and have something less-than-blindness visual acuity) to be able to "see" it, or you aren't.
I'm convinced that you, short of my providing you with DNA samples and notarized statements, never will, and that you will continue to hold back and confuse "newbies" as well as more seasoned students regarding the true identities of Westbrook's
from-behind-and-54-years-after-the-fact "Probably Carol Reed, Definitely Gloria Calvery, and Definitely Me, Karen Westbrook!" in the Z-film (and, concomitantly, in a from-the-front, but in-the-distance, photographic image).
Factoid: Westbrook was so confused with smiling-and-nodding Fagin in 2017 that she thought
both of her colleagues by the name of "Carol" had watched the motorcade with her.
Factoid: It's interesting that Fagin mentioned that Calvery's own son disagreed with Westbrook about her woebegone "identification" of his mother in the Z-film (probably because he'd correctly spotted her in Betzner-3 and realized that she couldn't simultaneously be in the clutch of women down "by" the Stemmons Sign in that photo).
-- MWT