Thank you so much for this Darnell clip I?ve never seen before! Where did you find it? Great to see Gloria Holt, Ms Jacob and Nelson.
Thank you for "weighing in" on this.
It should be obvious to anyone with an open mind and reasonably good eyesight that those three people in the Towner film are women, that one of them is wearing a light blue headscarf and a dark-colored dress or raincoat, that another one has blondish-colored hair, and the third one is wearing a "white" skirt and a brown jacket and has a head full of black hair.
Just like the trio in Zapruder, standing "by" the Stemmons Sign.
What are the odds that there were two groups of gals who looked that way in Dealey Plaza between 12:30 and, say, 12:45 that afternoon?
Answer: "Slim and none."
-- MWT