Didn?t you just say it was a mistake to call what you think you see in photographs ?obvious??Yes, Iacoletti, but obviously not really, really, really obvious things, like what I wrote above about the three gals in the Towner film. What I was referring to were things like the not-so-obvious fact that your "Glasses Woman" in Betzner-3 is wearing glasses, and the fact that two fuzzy-but-discernable horizontal bars can been seen in the skirt of your "Glasses Woman" as she's standing on a lower step in Darnell (
but if and only if one correctly enlarges the proper frames from the clearest copy of Darnell one can find, and one knows where to look to find the the narrow section of her skirt in that film -- and what to ignore, as well, like the left side of another woman's face that partially obscures it, iirc, etc).
How did you decide that?s a ?raincoat??Why do you constantly over-exaggerate or under-exaggerate, Iacolletti? I said dresses or raincoats. (Can you see bare lower legs?)
They might be lots of things. How is that helpful?Like what, Iacoletti? Can you think of any plausible alternatives?
How did you decide they are ?gals? ? without pre-assuming that they are the Zapruder sign people that is?LOL
How do you know it?s a skirt?LOL
Only ?gals? have lighter-colored hair?Did I imply that, Iacoletti, or did I say "blondish hair" as a label so you'd know who I was talking about?
How do you know it?s a headscarf?Can you think of any plausible alternatives, Iacoletti? If so, what are they? (I'd love to hear what you've got on
that score.)
All-in-all, Typical Iacoletti.
-- MWT

Pssst, Iacoletti --
Taking into account the fact we can see the bare lower legs of those three people in the Towner clip, if you had to guess, would you say those three people are men or women?
Or is it impossible for you to discern their bare lower legs because "the images in the clip are too blurry to say anything definite about them; they're just ... blobs"?