I have to say Mr Graves, considering the available corroborating indicative information relative to the identification of StellaJacob, GloriaHolt, and SharonSimmons as the persons representing said three LadyImages, any dispute should have corroborating indicative information relative to any alternate image identity in order to be credible.
Just offering MyTake, as I acknowledge that you do not need my help with said subject.
No, but believe it or not I do appreciate your moral support.
You're right, of course. Iacoletti's unwillingness or inability to connect the dots that have been laid out for him and explained to him
ad nauseam, and to instead
irrationally rely on the corrupted-by-time, obviously misplaced memories of Westbrook (whose putative alter ego "Karen Westbrook" is conveniently wearing a hair-hiding headscarf and a figure-hiding raincoat in the Z-film), from behind and 54 years after-the-fact, is ?ber-lame, especially in Iacoletti's continuing glaring refusal to offer any corroborating evidence that the gal in the middle of the ZapruderTrio is real-deal
tall, large, dark red-haired Gloria Calvery.
-- MWT