How about Karen Westbrook's life experience of actually being there that day?
Iacoletti, you poor misguided thing, you.
Taking into consideration:
1) The very high likelihood that the three gals filmed by Darnell as they stepped down from the Pergola Patio are the same three gals who were filmed walking towards the edge of the Pergola Patio by Tina Towner's father a few minutes after the assassination
2) The very high likelihood, based on normal human visual observation, that the three gals in the Towner film are the same three gals who were standing near the Stemmons Sign in Zapruder (
dark brown jacket and white skirt on the black-haired gal on the left in both instances,
blondish hair and dark raincoat or long-sleeved full-length dress on the gal next to her, and
light-blue headscarf and dark raincoat or long-sleeved full-length dress on the gal next to
her3) the fact that the gal Westbrook "identified" as herself in the Zapruder film was wearing a hair-hiding (light-blue) headscarf and a figure-hiding (dark-colored) raincoat
4) The fact that Westbrook made said "identification" 54 years after-the-fact and from behind
Leads the "reasonable man" to conclude that your beloved Karen Westbrook Pillbox is full of beans.
-- MWT