The relevant document referred to in the wiki entry appears to be this......
A report by David Belin from 1975 (Rockefeller Commission). The faulty memories of Bissell and Edwards, trying to move the Castro plots to the Kennedy administration, are noted.....
It would appear that activity until that time was undertaken by the CIA via the original previous administration approval (read Nixon!).
I believe you are an academic located in a Commonwealth nation. Macomber facilitated (and more) E Howard Hunt's attempt, while of the Nixon white house, to use classified State Dept cables to and from the US embassy in Saigon, Hunt altered to shift blame for the
assassination of South Vietnamese political leadership, attempting to fraudulantly shift blame to the by then deceased Kennedy brothers.
Do you detect a positive contribution, an example of why republicans on the national political stage have served a useful purpose
beneficial to Americans generally, because I am not finding one, except perhaps for whatever limiting influence on democrats knowing
they are being carefully watched, to be held accountable justifiably at times, at other times, not. The only positive thing that comes to mind
is that the sudden deaths of JFK, MLK, and RFK in rather rapid succession were lucky breaks politically and ideologically for Bushes and their
water boys, but apparently not appreciated enough to prevent the recruitment of Bush Hand Macomber to help drive one more ole rusty
nail with Hunt's hammer, into the coffins of those Kennedy brothers.
Will any in a long series of lucky breaks ever be enough to influence deradicalization of US republican or libertarian right?